
(Frankie) #1
What do you do? I’m a Sydney-based
creative with a great love for design and
making. I focus primarily on furniture,
but often branch out into creating
other visuals and objects. Why did you
choose that path? I love working with
my hands. I spend a lot of time thinking
about the shapes of my surroundings
and how objects are constructed. It was
a natural progression to develop a love for
furniture-making. What’s one thing we
should know about you? I’m ridiculously
clumsy. Literally every day I break, spill,
or run into something... it’s getting out
of hand! Greatest achievement so
far? Probably making my first piece,
the Miss Dottie side table. I was very
ambitious and had no idea what I was
doing, and it turned out beautifully. Who
has been your best support? Friends
and family are my greatest support.
My dad has taught me the majority of my
skills, and introduced me to the world of
building things. And my close mates have
kept me sane when life is getting crazy!
What do you stand for? Honest materials
and honest work. It’s important to see
and feel the hours of work and passion
that have gone into a finished product.
I also try to build without nails or screws,
which is often challenging. Which tool
could you not do without? My Japanese
pull saw, it is my favourite object.
Seriously – everyone needs one! Do you
have a day job? I work casually in the
film and television industry for the art
department, and slowly potter away at
my uni design degree in between. What
keeps you going through the hard times?
My 17-year-old border collie Pinky, who
passed away recently, at a pivotal point
during the creation of this bench. I owed
it to her to finish it. Every time I run away
from finishing a piece or think I can’t do
it, I think of her. She keeps me rolling!
Biggest lesson so far? Measure twice,
cut once. Oh, and go slowly! What does
winning a Good Stuff award mean to
you? Winning this has given me a nice
big kick up the bum. It’s very motivating!
What are you working on right now?
A couple of commissions, a quirky
little pot stand, and a curvy bookshelf.
It’s really exciting designing and building
furniture for people, as it allows me
to fuse my personal style with their
specific needs. What’s your next
goal? To expand my knowledge of
materials and incorporate them into
my next designs. I’d love to learn more
about glass, metal, woodturning and
ceramics. Where can we see your work? or on my Instagram
at @jordan.isabella.fleming.

Design judge Beci Orpin says: I’ve been
searching for the perfect bench for a
while, and now I think I’ve found it! I’d
have this in my house or garden any
day. The design is a perfect balance
between functional and playful, and
the materiality of wood and colourful
powder-coated metal is great, too.







Carine Thevenau
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