
(Frankie) #1
What do you do? I weave a lot of stuff
that people seem to like on my huge
old loom. I started weaving in my first
year of uni – it changed my life. Why
did you choose that path? I kind of fell
into it. Creating something entirely
from nothing is so satisfying for my
brain, even if it’s something as simple
as turning silly threads into their own
form. What do you stand for? Listening.
Gosh, it’s so important to be an active
listener; to engage with what’s being
said, helping to create space for certain
dialogue. Who do you look up to? The
incredible art community – particularly
in Melbourne – that I’m so fortunate
to be able to call my friends. Those
incredible humans are the most
supportive, warm and honest people
I’ve ever been privileged enough to be
around. Do you have a day job? I do
a bit of freelance textile design, and
sometimes I pop down to my old uni
to make sure all their looms are good
to go for the students. What do your
parents think of what you do? I think
they think I’m a little silly sometimes
for choosing to do what I do (because,
you know, weaving fabric from scratch
is probably one of the most complicated
and time-consuming processes with
minimal financial prospects). But I also
think they appreciate my commitment
to my craft. Greatest achievement
so far? A little over a year ago I set
up an all-female, communal studio
space called Toast Workroom. I was
so stubborn that I wanted to do all the
fit-out myself, so it was just me and
a couple of great mates painting late
and drilling into stuff. Little did I know,
those four walls would create space for
such an incredible community and so
many neat humans. I’m so lucky. And
what has been your biggest lesson?
That things only ever happen if you
put in the work and do it yourself. One
thing we should know about you?
My socks rarely match. What are you
working on right now? I’m finishing
up a new collection of works, which is
pretty exciting. I’ve been making lots of
rope recently that I’ve incorporated into
some weaving to create these funny bag
things. What does winning a Good Stuff
award mean to you? I was honestly so
surprised that I made the finalist list, so
hearing I won was almost unbelievable.
It’s just a really nice pat on the back –
thanks, guys. Where can we see your
work? Online at, or on
Instagram at @ daisy_watt.

Craft judge Pip Lincolne says: Not
only is Daisy’s work ridiculously clever
and beautiful, it delves deeper into
good stuff like cosy times, self-love,
sense of place and the comforts of
home. Daisy embodies the best things
about craft – patience, persistence,
tradition and creativity – and her focus
on connecting people is just what the
world needs right now.






Bri Hammond

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