
(Frankie) #1
STEP ONE: DO SOME SOUL-SEARCHINGBefore you can know your
customer, you must first know yourself. What is it you’re trying to
achieve with this market stall? Are you just looking to earn some
extra pocket money and scoff jam doughnuts with a pal, or is it a
platform to launch your brand into the world, like a fresh, glowing
debutante? Your answer will determine whether a low-key community
market is more your thing, or a bigger, slicker design fair. (Budget
will play a part in this, as well.) If in doubt, take a trip to your favourite
market hangouts with a trusty pen and paper, and just observe. You
should get a sense of where your wares will fit in – plus, you can take
notes on stalls that appeal to you, and ask yourself ‘why’ and ‘how’.

STEP TWO: SELL YOURSELFOnce you’ve found the market that fits
just right, it’s time to sign up for their next event. You may have to
put down a holding deposit for a spot (though, if it means you’ll end
up near the bustling entrance instead of downwind from the manky
old loos, the financial outlay will be worth it). Some larger markets
ask for a formal application, which will require a bit of preparation
and careful thought. Include high-quality pictures of your products
and stall setup; show how they fit together to create a cohesive
‘brand’; and give a sense of who you are and why you do what you
do (without launching headfirst into your full life story). Remember:
this is a chance to stand out from the crowd, so focus on your own
unique charm, instead of mirroring what others are doing.
STEP THREE: MONEY TALKSWith any luck, you’ll wind up raking
in the big bucks, but there are a few costs to bear in mind ahead of
market day. Things like cute carry bags and packaging may cause
you to dip into your kitty, as well as marketing tools like signage
and business cards, and of course, your stall display. (For cheapie
options, pop by your nearest two-dollar store – you’ll be surprised
how much is available.) When it comes to pricing your goodies, don’t
undervalue yourself – aside from materials, consider labour costs
and overheads, too. Having a range of products at different price
points is a nifty way of drawing in passersby. Consider making low-
cost ‘bread and butter’ items (as they’re known in the biz) that will
spin some extra revenue should your pricier items not sell.
STEP FOUR: PLAN, PLAN, PLANIn the lead-up to the market, adopt
the scout motto and always be prepared. Make a thorough checklist
and tick each item off one by one: ensure you have enough stock
ready on the day; figure out how customers will take their goodies
home; organise your cash-handling facilities and a well-stocked
change float; create a ‘just in case’ box with things like blu-tack,
double-sided tape, clamps and band-aids. Make sure you turn up
to the site nice and early (that means no crazy benders the night
before), and check what the market provides in terms of tables and
chairs. If it’s your first time setting up a stall or using a new display,
it’s worth having a practice run at home. There’s nothing worse than
arriving for a day of marketeering only to find you don’t know how to
assemble that newfangled shelf.
STEP FIVE: ADD SOME PIZZAZZThere are plenty of ways to pretty up
your space, like popping plants or flowers in empty nooks or draping
fairy lights across the front. Don’t feel pressure to splash your cash,
though – some op shop vases will do the trick with a few blooms
nicked from your front garden. As a rule, tablecloths should be nice
and long to hide extra stock stashed behind your stall, and tiered
displays tend to look best. The higher your products, the more likely
folks will spot them in a busy crowd, so create layers with nice stands,

simple boxes or vintage tins. If you’re selling clothes, use matching
wooden hangers. A doily or retro postcard makes a sweet (and
low-cost) price tag. Be sure to keep the area around your stall nice
and tidy, and don’t forget: you’re part of the display as well, so why not
wear the pieces you’re selling, or don colours that match your brand?
STEP SIX: MAN THE STANDSo you’re all set up and ready to roll

  • what comes next? Sit back and let the shoppers flock your way,
    but also be prepared for long stints of nothingness. If you’re selling
    something crafty, you could plonk yourself behind your table and
    make some more goodies while you wait. It’ll break up the tedium
    that comes from sitting on your arse all day, and give passersby a
    reason to stop and have a peep. Whatever you do, don’t slouch and
    stare at your phone – the universal sign for ‘do not approach’. Be
    warm and friendly with customers and read their cues; some folks
    are happy to quietly browse, while others welcome the chance to have
    a bit of a chinwag. Remember that markets can be tough going, so
    don’t be discouraged if your product isn’t flying out the door. Watch
    what people are picking up the most. Be open to feedback from
    customers and other stallholders (this is literal market research!),
    then try tweaking things a little bit and giving it another go.



  • Study the site map before the big day. That way, you’ll know all the
    important things when you arrive, like where your stall is; where
    to park and unpack; and where to go for a wee.

  • Don’t forget to pencil in a trip to the bank! Keep your prices in
    mind when preparing change for the float – if you have a bunch
    of items going for $8, for example, you’ll need to be stocked up
    with $2 coins.

  • Market days can be long and tiring, so bring comfortable shoes,
    water and plenty of snacks. Drag a generous friend along for moral
    support, and to help cover the stall during lunch and loo runs.

  • Consider having a special market-only discount for some of your
    goodies – it’ll make the customer feel special, and more inclined
    to snap up a deal on the spot.

  • Markets tend to run rain, hail or shine. If you’re setting up
    outside, take precaution by packing a market umbrella or
    waterproof tarp, and weights for your stands so they don’t blow
    away in a gale. Try laminating your signs, and have one of those
    el cheapo plastic ponchos handy.

  • If your bits can also be found online, keep business cards or
    flyers displayed prominently on your stall. Just because someone
    doesn’t drop some dosh on the day, doesn’t mean they won’t sign
    up for your mailing list, or seek you out down the line.


A big ol’ thanks to Sarah Thornton from The Finders Keepers for
helping us compile this nifty how-to. For more information on
achieving market greatness (and to find out about upcoming events
around Australia), head to

to market, to market



Wor d s Sophie Kalagas

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