
(Frankie) #1

sophie kalagas
[email protected]

assistant editor & online editor
mia timpano
[email protected]

senior designer
aimee carruthers
[email protected]

designer & studio manager
anjana jain
[email protected]

general manager
gae murra
ga[email protected]

jo walker
[email protected]

digital director
suzi talor
[email protected]

marketing manager
anastasia michael
[email protected]

marketing coordinator
ben eastwood
[email protected]

operations manager
bree higgerson
[email protected]

production manager
di josipovic
[email protected]

production & office assistant
lizzie dnon
[email protected]

retail sales & circulation manager
alissa relf
[email protected]

business analst
sid smith

assistant accountant
ran trac

it manager
josh croft

rachel morgenbesser

email addresses are published for
professional communications onl

issue 83 talented contributors

rachel burke, bénédicte desrus, and donohoe, sia duff, claudia fernandes, bri hammond,
courtne jackson, gina nero, berta pfirsich, phoebe powell, veronica sagredo, carine
thevenau, esther tsai, hilar walker, lukasz wierzbowski, stephanie rose wood
caro cooper, deirdre fidge, rowena grant-frost, leta keens, pip lincolne, daniel moore,
giselle au-nhien nguen, sam prendergast, eleanor robertson, cate roone, luke ran,
stephanie van schilt, rebecca varcoe, jo walker
amelia arnold, anjana jain, tara o’brien, ashle ronning, cass urquhart

cover artist
abbe lossing

advertise in frankie
national advertising manager
victoria elland riddell
[email protected] • 0410 300 849

account manager – victoria
isabella ubaldi
[email protected] • 0424 218 955

advertising sales executive – directories
emma white
[email protected] • 0416 146 658
advertising production
bree higgerson
[email protected]

contact us
general enquiries
[email protected]

[email protected]
ph +61 2 8296 5447

retail orders
[email protected]
can’t find frankie?
aust & n.z. distributor
gordon & gotch

international distribution enquiries

submissions: frankie accepts freelance art, photo and stor submissions, however we cannot repl
personall to unsuccessful pitches. for submission guidelines please see
internships/work experience: unfortunatel frankie is unable to facilitate an work experience or internship programs
frankie magazine is proudl published 6 times a ear b frankie press. frankie press is
a division of pacific star network limited: 2 craine street, south melbourne vic 3205
views expressed b authors are not necessaril those of the publisher. copright is reserved, which means ou can’t
scan our pages and put them up on our website or anwhere else. reproduction in whole or part is prohibited.
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