Work in pairs. Look at the two menus again and discuss which menu you prefer and why. Use the
following words and expressions to help you.
I like
I don't like
I really like
I quite like
I prefer
I love
I hate
My favourite menu is
the bar menu
the fast food menu
it has more choice.
it doesn't have enough choice.
it's cheaper.
because it's simple.
as it's too expensi ve.
but it's too complicated.
th ere are no desserts.
it doesn't have enough meat/fish dishes.
it has exciting/boring dishes.
Student A: I prefer the bar menu because it's simple but varied and cheap.
St udent B: I don't agree. There aren't any desserts. I like the fast food menu because i t has more choice.
Work in pairs. You are a food and beverage manager and a head chef. Design a menu for your
restaurant. Decide first which kind of menu you want to offer (bar, fast food, a la carte, vegetarian,
etc.); then decide which courses you will offer (appetizers, light bites/starters, rice/pasta dishes, main
courses, side orders, salads, sandwiches, desserts, etc.). Do not forget the key points for writing a good
1 When the menus are complete, stick them up around your classroom for everybody to see. Then
decide which menu you prefer and why. Do not write your names on the menus but you can give your
restaurant a name. That way the competition will be more fun!
I love the Pick a pizza menu because ...
My favourite menu is the Eat as much as you like menu because ...
~., I'fI
-~~ ...
appetiz er /reprtarz8/ ___________ _
basil/ brez81/ _____________ _
board /b::>:d/ _____________ _
bold /b8uld/ _____________ _
bright /bralt/ _____________ _
butternut squash /,bAt8nAt'skwDJ/
chicken wing I tJrkrn wrIJ/ _________ _
chickpea I tJrkpi:/ ____________ _
ch illi
creamed potatoes /kri:md p8'te rt8uz/ ___ ___ _
cucumber Ikju:kAmb8/ ________ _ _ __
di p /drp/ ___________ _
dressing IdreSll]/ __ __ _ _______ _
duck /dAk/
ila m e grilled /fle lm grrld/ _
ila tbread Iflretbred/ __
French bean /frentJ bi:n(
ginger /d3I11d38/ __
goat /g8Ut/
h a nd-dived scallop /hren'dmvd 'skDI8p/ ____ _
layout I lela ut/ _____________ _
lettuce /letls/
light bite fla n balt/ ___________ _
locally sourced /18uk8li s::>:st/ ________ _
m edium rare! mi:di8m re8/
pie /par/ __ _
plain text /pl e m te kst/
pork /p::>:k/ __
sea bass /s i: bres/
signature dish /srgn8tJg dIJ/
spicy !spaIsi/ ___ _
surcharge !s3:tJo:d3/ __ _
up-ta-date /,Aptg'dert/ __ _
w ell-done /,wel'dAn/ __ _