Model Airplane International – August 2019

(backadmin) #1



the underside
of the fuselage
where it literally
clicks into place.
The wings fi tted
okay, though needed a
bit of clamping with wooden
pegs along their leading edges as the glue
cured to ensure a seam-free join.
With the fuselage and wings drying,
attention turned to the smaller parts such as
the wheels, undercarriage doors and propeller.
All of these were removed from their runners,
cleaned up and attached to wooden coffee
stirrers, toothpicks or crocodile clips, ready for
When the wheels, doors and prop had
been painted I cleaned up the seams along
the fuselage and wings before bringing them
together along with the horizontal stabilisers,
which again, all fi tted near perfectly. I must
add at this juncture that I was using Tamiya
Extra Thin Quick Setting Cement which
speeds things up when building as it dries
very quickly. Even quicker setting is EMA’s
Plastic Weld which is very ‘hot’ as solvents go
and as such should be treated with care, but
there is no reason that it cannot be used for
the entire build of the main airframe. You have
to be quick and precise with it though as it
does tend to evaporate before your eyes such
is its potency as plastic cement. The wing to
fuselage join was exceptional, so much so
that when I dry fi tted to test it, I could not see
where the join line that needed gluing, was!
The cowling was fi tted as well as the

cowling rings at the front, I did opt to leave
off the top gun cover so I could affi x it later
with the gun muzzles in place. It click-fi ts so
was placed in situ for painting.
A touch of putty was needed to smooth in
the horizontal stabilisers, but it was literally
two minutes work with Vallejo water based
putty cleaned up with moistened cotton buds.
Now it was time for a quick tea break while
the glue and putty cured for an hour or so.

Saturday 18:00 -19:30
The cowling was airbrushed with Tamiya Fine
White Primer, which dries rock solid in minutes
when decanted, thinned with some lacquer

thinners and airbrushed. The cockpit orifi ce
and cowling were all masked off in readiness
for the main paintwork.
Last job of the day today was to get the
two tone grey upper camoufl age on, this was
relatively quick as there was no masking
required just a quick blast of RLM 74 and 75.
With everything set aside to dry out
overnight, it was time for some well earned
R & R with beer and Chinese food in front of
some Saturday evening family TV and a Netfl ix
box set.

Sunday 10:00 -12:00
After a fun fi lled early Sunday morning and

The parts that are not for use are greyed out on the parts
map in the instructions. These were removed fi rst to save
confusion later on in the build.

The cockpit was assembled and basecoated with German
Grey and washed, drybrushed and detail painted. Same
applies for the engine face.

The undercarriage bays were assembled in minutes,
painted RLM02 Grey and washed with Klear/Water/Paint
mixture to add depth and shadows.

A set of generic Eduard WWII
seatbelts were fi xed to the seat
and details picked-out with acrylic
colours. A light drybrushing lifted the
raised details.

This top cover for the guns can be dropped in place for
painting, but left unglued to allow the gun to be painted
and fi tted later. The fuselage fi ts perfectly with no issues
at all as regards the cockpit interior
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