Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. 3 - The Greek World, the Jews, and the East

(sharon) #1

 Index

Caravan cities: implication of name, –
, , –
Coloniae, colonies in Roman Near East:
grants of colonial status in rd century
as a reflection of intensive imperial
involvement in, – passim;ius Ita-
licumand taxation, , , , ,
, –; mint city-coins to middle
of rd century, , ; reabsorbed
into their environment, ; Roman
consciousness of, ; Romanisation of
an already Hellenised Semitic region,
; three phases of, –; title of
metropolis, –, , , , ;
titular colonies after civil wars, –
; use of Greek steadily reasserts itself
in, , , .See alsoAelia Capi-
tolina ( Jerusalem); Berytus; Bostra;
Caesarea ( Judaea); Edessa; Emesa; Fla-
via Neapolis (Samaria); Greek cities
(Graeco-Roman cities); Heliopolis;
Palmyra; Petra; Ptolemais; Sebaste;
Cultural unity of Rome’s ‘‘eastern fron-
tier,’’ 

Dictionaries and lexicons (modern) and
ancient manuscripts and documents,
Droysen’s idea of fusion (Verschmelzung)
and its opponents, , , , ; vindi-
cated by Phoenician cities, –.See
—Parthian period of: Greek language in
use throughout, –; Hellenistic
foundation, , ; onomasticon, ;
Palmyrene presence in, –, –
; Parthian rule barely in evidence
during, –; Parthian rule revealed
in Greek legal documents, –,
; reconstructing history from in-

scriptions in Greek and Palmyrene in
cult-centers and temples fraught with
problems of interpretation, –;
story of excavations and publications,
–, –
—Roman period of:colonia, –; lin-
guistic complexity in need of reactiva-
tion, xvi–xvii, –, –
—Seleucid period of: little known about,

Edessa, –.See alsoLinguistic aspects,
Egypt and its culture: contrast with Juda-
ism, ; social history from Alexander
to Muhammad yet to be written for,
Emesa, –, –

Flavia Neapolis (Samaria), –

Gaza ( Judaea): as end of trade on land
route from present-day Yemen, –
Gladiatorial shows: signs of Romanisa-
tion, . See alsoColoniae, colonies in
Roman Near East
Greek and Latin Authors(Stern), xvi, ,
, , 
Greek cities (Graeco-Roman cities): ad-
vent of Christianity, –; become
Roman colonies, –, ; conceived
of as peoples ( J. Reynolds), –;
city coinage of, –, ; decline
of eurgetism in, ; epigraphic habit,
–, –; limits and extent of
Romanisation in, –, –; as
the only territorial political forma-
tions in late Roman Near East, ;
re-assertion of Greek cultural identity
through festivals in, –. See also
Coloniae, colonies in Roman Near East;
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