Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1


Foto: Evan Joseph Images; Kida/

Spotlight 1/2020

New ultra-slim skyscrapers
One of the most obvious changes in New
York is the city’s skyline, which is trans-
forming at a speed not seen in decades.
Ever-higher and slimmer buildings are
going up, especially along Central Park.
The latest and most prominent of these
is the pencil-thin tower on 111 West 57th
Street, also known as the Steinway Tower.
At 435 meters, it not only offers fantastic
views of Central Park, but is currently also
the slenderest skyscraper in the world,
with a width-to-height ratio of 1:24.
The tallest of Manhattan’s new sky-
scrapers (472 meters) is Central Park
Tower. The trend of constructing ex-
tremely tall and slim buildings started
about ten years ago; improvements in
materials and structural engineering
helped it along, and New York’s complex
zoning laws were a motivating factor, too.
Developers can buy a small area of land,
then buy unused air rights from adjacent
plots and stack these to gain permission
to build a tall tower. The new residential
high-rises are home to luxury apartments
for the super-rich: so-called trophy prop-
erties. In fact, 57th Street has been called
“Billionaires’ Row” for its great number of
ultra-slim buildings.
Probably the most elegant of them is
432 Park Avenue, a 425-meter-high struc-
ture designed by Uruguayan architect Ra-
fael Viñoly with a footprint that is a per-
fect square. While it’s a pleasing addition
to the skyline, you can’t help but notice
how many of its windows remain dark at
night. It makes you wonder whether the
apartments are actually places to live in or
just investments for the super-rich.

New ferry stops
With more than 800 kilometers of coast-
line, New York City is ideally suited for
a mass transit system on the water. The
NYC Ferry network on the East River
first opened in 2017 and is constantly
expanding, finally offering an attractive
alternative to the subway. The ferries
are not only fast and inexpensive: for the
price of a subway ride, you can now also
go up the river to places like DUMBO in
Brooklyn, Astoria in Queens, or even all
the way to Rockaway Beach — a perfect
day out. The new ferries have panorama

windows, outdoor seating on the upper
deck, and kiosks selling everything from
snacks and sunscreen to charging cables.
With a drink in your hand and the wind in
your hair, there is probably no better place
to admire the skyline from the water.

New shopping: Empire Outlets
Twice an hour, the massive orange com-
muter ferries, which can carry up to 6,000
passengers, run from the downtown fer-
ry terminal across New York Harbor to
Staten Island — at no cost! It’s a beautiful
half-hour ride with excellent views of the
Lower Manhattan skyline and the Statue
of Liberty. Previously, most travelers to
Staten Island simply took the next fer-
ry straight back to Manhattan. But this
has changed with the recent opening of
New York City’s first outlet mall: Empire
Outlets on Staten Island’s North Shore
— just steps from the ferry terminal. It’s a
well-designed mall with big-name brands
such as Nike, Gap, and Levi’s, all of which
offer low prices.
Of course, new retail outlets are just
a small part of New York’s never-ending
process of growth and renewal. With all
that is in flux here, this ever-changing city
that even has the word “new” in its name
appears to be living up to its promise.

adjacent plot
[E(dZeIs&nt plA:t]
, Nachbargrundstück
admire [Ed(maI&r]
, bewundern
charging cable
[(tSA:rdZIN )keIb&l]
, Ladekabel
commuter [kE(mju:t&r]
, Pendler-
developer [di(velEp&r]
, Bauunternehmer(in)
footprint [(fUtprInt]
, Grundfläche
glamping [(glÄmpIN]
, glamouröses Camping

mass transit
[(mÄs )trÄnsEt] N. Am.
, Massenverkehrsmittel-
residential high-rise
[)rezI)denS&l (haI raIz]
, Wohnturm
shore [SO:r]
, Küste, Strand
slender [(slend&r]
, schlank, schmal
stack [stÄk]
, stapeln
structural engineering
[)strVktS&rEl )endZI(nI&rIN]
, Hochbau
zoning law [(zoUnIN lO:]
, Planungsgesetz

If you go
Getting there & around
Fly in to John F. Kennedy
International Airport (JFK) or
Newark Liberty International
Airport (EWR). See http://www.jfkairport.
com and for
transport options to the city.
For ferry routes, see

The retro-chic TWA Hotel at JFK

Glamping on Governors Island
in New York Harbor

See and do
Hudson Yards with the Vessel, the
Shed, and the Edge

High Line Park

The Museum of Modern Art

Statue of Liberty Museum

Spyscape (spy museum)

Museum of Illusions

Empire Outlets

Mercado Little Spain at
Hudson Yards

More information
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