Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

LANGUAGE 1/2020 Spotlight 43

dim [dIm] ifml.
, schwer von Begriff

gadget [(gÄdZIt]
, Gerät, technische

mock [mQk]
, verspotten

sake: for ...’s ~ [seIk]
, um ... willen

tease [ti:z]
, hänseln, necken

A “jack of all trades” is someone who can do many different things,
but does none of them very well. The full expression is “a jack of all
trades and master of none”.

“Johnny”, or “little Johnny”, is the name used in jokes about little
boys — like Fritz or Fritzchen in German. Here’s one, just for fun:
Teacher: This is the fourth time you’ve been late for school this
week, Johnny. Do you know what that means?
Johnny: Yes, Miss. It means it’s Thursday.

Do you want to say “no” very firmly? Then use the rhyming phrase
“No way, José!”

We don’t know who Larry was, but he must have had a good life,
because he gave us the expression “as happy as Larry”.

Mick, Mickey
In informal British English, to “take the mick” or “take the mickey
out of” someone means to “tease or mock a person”. It’s a polite ver-
sion of to “take the piss out of” someone.

“For Pete’s sake!” is a polite way to avoid saying “For God’s sake!”
or something worse.

Peter, Paul
If you are having money problems and there just isn’t enough cash
to pay all your debts, you might find that you have to “rob Peter to
pay Paul”.

“Uncle Sam” — with the initial letters “US” — represents the Amer-
ican government or the US in general. With his red, white and blue
costume, Uncle Sam is a popular symbol of American patriotism.

“Tim, Nice-But-Dim” — a good friend of “Hooray Henry” — is a
posh young Englishman who is very stupid. He was originally a
TV comedy character.

Sorry, but it’s bad news for Toms. A “peeping Tom” is a voyeur —
someone who spies on women. The original peeping Tom was the
boy who looked at the naked Lady Godiva as she rode through the
streets of Coventry in the English legend.

Tom, Dick, Harry
“Every Tom, Dick and Harry” means “ordinary people” or “every-
one”. If every Tom, Dick and Harry has the latest gadget, then it’s
not exclusive any more.
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