Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

LOST IN TRANSLATION 1/2020 Spotlight 53


VANESSA CLARK turns her attention to

a particularly interesting word or expression

that could be a challenge to translate.


“Leeway” means “flexibility” or “freedom”. For example, most
employees are expected to dress smartly, but there might be
some leeway during a cold spell or a heatwave.
More exactly, “leeway” means “the amount of flexibility that
is available”. If you’ve arranged to meet a friend at a certain time,
you probably have a few minutes’ leeway. However, there’s no
leeway when you have an appointment for a job interview.
In negotiations, you might ask, “Is there any leeway?” when
you mean, “Is there any room to negotiate?” Synonyms for “lee-
way” are “wiggle room” (ifml.) or “room to manoeuvre”.
A good German translation of “leeway” is Spielraum or Freiheit,
both of which can be modified, of course, depending on the con-
text: Handlungsspielraum, Gestaltungsfreiheit, Raum zum Manövrieren.

“Leeway” was originally a nautical word, from the world of sail-
ing ships. Ideally, ships move in a straight line, but they are of-
ten pushed off course by the wind. The wind comes from the
“windward” side of a boat and pushes it to the “leeward” side
(away from the wind). The “leeway” is the distance that a ship is
moved away from the desired course of travel. This is measured
in degrees.


“ leeway with set speeding


The Sudbury Star, 4 July 2019
Here, a Canadian judge explains
that he cannot change the fixed
amount that motorists are fined
for driving too fast.

cold spell [(kEUld spel]
, Kälteperiode

fine sb. [faIn]
, jmdm. eine Geldbuße auferlegen

leeward [(li:wEd]
, leewärts, auf der Leeseite

negotiation [nI)gEUSi(eIS&n]
, Verhandlung
windward [(wIndwEd]
, windseitig, luvwärts

Answer: B


noun [(li:weI]



In which of the following contexts would the word
“leeway” make sense?

A. “First-class seats in trains have plenty of extra

B. “They’re asking for $1m, but I’m sure there’s some
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