Spotlight - 01.2020

(Amelia) #1

74 Spotlight 1/2020 FEEDBACK


“As much as we use ‘intelligence’ to de-
scribe technical expertise and reasoned
judgment, it has also been the go-to ex-
planation for success.”
— from The Washington Post


Dear Ms Sharp
I always enjoyed reading Dagmar Tay-
lor’s witty tales of inadvertent mishaps
that occur in the everyday life of a Brit
(a Scottish lady, of course, living in Ger-
many) from her series “...and then I...”.
As an English Brit living in Switzerland,
I can relate very well to these situations.
However, another dimension is added to
them when your carefully learned High
German needs to be tailored to Swiss
As a member of my local Frauenturn-
verein, I was going to play a game of bas-
ketball, and I was explaining which team
would be playing in which direction. The
word for shoot (schießen) is pronounced
“schiese” in Swiss German. If pronounced
“schiise”, on the other hand, it would
mean “to shit”!
So you can imagine how taken aback
everyone was when I, to my total em-
barrassment, mispronounced the word,
telling one team to shit at one end and

egalitarian [i)gÄlI(teriEn]
, Verfechter(in) des
imply [Im(plaI]
, bedeuten, beinhalten
incumbent [In(kVmbEnt]
, Amtsinhaber(in)

insult [(InsVlt]
, Beleidigung
liken: ~ sb. to sb. [(laIkEn]
, jmdn. mit jmdm.

obsessed [Eb(sest]
, besessen
reasoned [(ri:z&nd]
, begründet

unmatched [)Vn(mÄtSt]
, unübertroffen
wisdom [(wIzdEm]
, Weisheit, Klugheit


An informal adjective meaning
“someone or something regularly
turned to for a high level of
knowledge or skill.”

The adjective “go-to” implies “the first
person or thing you would think of in
a certain situation.” For example: “Sam
is my go-to guy for garden work” or “Ice
cream is my go-to dessert for parties.”
The example here (below) is from an
article that asks why the US president
is so obsessed with intelligence. Donald
Trump has said that his enemies have an
“extraordinarily low IQ” in contrast to his
own “great and unmatched wisdom.”
The writer explains that such insults
are a tradition in American politics, as

intelligence is a “go-to” (or “top”) indica-
tor of fitness for public office. He men-
tions the 1828 presidential race between
cool incumbent John Quincy Adams and
charismatic “tough guy” Andrew Jackson.
Jackson, who won, was said to be “smart”
in an emotional way, a “man of the peo-
ple.” Some liken Trump to Jackson, but
not presidential historian David Green-
berg, who told “Jackson was
a true egalitarian with a passion for dem-
ocratic equality that you just don’t see in

The^ Rea
dYour ers’ Issue
experiencestravel and learning
Game of moansThe language
of complainingGratis
VokabeltrainerTeil 3: Freizeit


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13 / 2019 (^13) — 19
THE READERS’ ISSUE Your tips • LANGUAGE How to complain • TRAVEL Ireland
IRELANDDiscover the drama
of Ireland’s Norse history
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Deutschland € 8,50CH sfr 13,90A·E ·I ·L ·SK: € 9,60
14 / 2019 (^14) — 19
NATURE A wilderness school in South Africa • LANGUAGE Activate your verbs • TRAVEL Aliens in Nevada
your English
Practise your verbs with our fun winter story
reindeer on Meet our farting ❄^
page 18
Sprachtraining60 MinutenEnglisch
VokabeltrainerEssen & Trinken

document2670502579506359199.indd 1 28.10.19 13:57
by Claudine Weber-Hof
the others to do the same at the other end.
Yours sincerely
Tina Bernet (Lucerne, Switzerland),
by e-mail
Dear Ms Bernet
Thank you for your e-mail. What a hilari-
ous story! By the way, we have produced a
German-English book based on her series.
You can order ...and then I stepped into the
Fett näpfchen at
Kind regards
Inez Sharp, editor-in-chief
Dear Ms Sharp
From my three children, I received a
Spotlight subscription as a Christmas pres-
ent. I am 67, and I read and learn English
so that my brain has something to work
on. I am always pleased when I find a new
issue in my letterbox. Thanks for your in-
teresting articles.
Theresia Hessenberger, by e-mail
Dear Ms Hessenberger
Thanks to you and to your obviously
quite wonderful family! We agree that
magazines from Spotlight Verlag, and
Spotlight magazine in particular, make for
wonderful gifts. For more information
on all our company’s helpful language-
learning products, please refer to this
Kind regards
Inez Sharp, editor-in-chief

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