
(Kiana) #1
Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language 277

to see them as eccentric. But the fact is that creative people are actually pretty normal.
According to Csikszentmihalyi (1997):

  1. Creative people usually have a broad range of knowledge about a lot of subjects
    and are good at using mental imagery.

  2. Creative people aren’t afraid to be different—they are more open to new experi-
    ences than many people, and they tend to have more vivid dreams and daydreams
    than others do.

  3. Creative people value their independence.

  4. Creative people are often unconventional in their work, but not otherwise.

Concept Map L.O. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5



as opposed to seeing
actual image (eyes
visual cortex
other cortical areas),
cortical areas associated
with stored knowledge
send info to visual cortex

vary according
to personal experience,
knowledge, and culture

trying one solution after another until one works

problem solving
and decision making

mental images are representations for
objects or events used in mental activities
mental images are interacted with in similar ways as
physical objects (e.g., scanning a map or rotating an object)

mental images are
processed in the brain
slightly differently
than actual objects

simple rules intended to apply to many situations
educated guesses based on prior experience
generally faster than algorithms but
will not always lead to correct solution

trial and error



“aha!” moments
when solution seems
to appear in a flash
usually based on reorganization of information

specific, step-by-step procedures
for solving certain problems
always result in correct solution if there is one

thinking and
behaving in certain
ways to reach a goal

can involve
different strategies,
logical methods
(convergent thinking)


are ideas that represent a class or
category of objects, events, or activities
are used to interact and
organize information without
having to think about or
process every specific
example of the category

are represented by
prototypes, best
examples of the
defining characteristics
are an important tool in problem solving

How People Think concepts
thinking (cognition) refers to mental activities
that occur in the brain when processing,
organizing, understanding, or communicating
information to others

less prone to common barriers
of problem solving
can be stimulated (see Table 7.1)

consists of new ways of
combining ideas or behavior
typically the result of divergent thinking


solutions to problems
are not always apparent
problems can be
caused by three
common barriers

problems with
problem solving

functional fixedness: only thinking
about objects in terms of their typical
mental set: a tendency to persist in
using problem-solving patterns that
have worked in the past
confirmation bias: a tendency to
search for evidence that fits your
beliefs while ignoring evidence to the

A DJ performing before an audience.
What aspects of creativity apply to the
work of a DJ?
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