
(Kiana) #1

490 CHAPTER 12

Tw o o f t h e m o re f a m i l i a r a n d m o re h e a v i l y re s e a rc h e d f o r m s o f l o v e f ro m Sternberg’s
theory are romantic love and companionate love. When intimacy and passion are com-
bined, the result is the more familiar romantic love, which is sometimes called passionate
love by other researchers (Bartels & Zeki, 2000; Diamond, 2003; Hartfield, 1987). Romantic
love is often the basis for a more lasting relationship. In many Western cultures, the ideal
relationship begins with liking, then becomes romantic love as passion is added to the
mix, and finally becomes a more enduring form of love as a commitment is made.
When intimacy and commitment are the main components of a relationship, it is
called companionate love. In companionate love, people who like each other, feel emo-
tionally close to each other, and understand one another’s motives have made a commit-
ment to live together, usually in a marriage relationship. Companionate love is often the
binding tie that holds a marriage together through the years of parenting, paying bills,
and lessening physical passion (Gottman & Krokoff, 1989; Steinberg & Silverberg, 1987).
In many non-Western cultures, companionate love is seen as more sensible. Choices for a
mate on the basis of compatibility are often made by parents or matchmakers rather than
by the couple themselves (Duben & Behar, 1991; Hortaçsu, 1999; Jones, 1997; Thornton &
HuiSheng, 1994).
Finally, when all three components of love are present, the couple has achieved
consummate love, the ideal form of love that many people see as the ultimate goal. This is
also the kind of love that may evolve into companionate love when the passion lessens
during the middle years of a relationship’s commitment.


12.14 Explain how aggressive behavior is determined by biology and learning.
Unfortunately, violence toward others is another form of social interaction. When
one person hurts or tries to destroy another person deliberately, either with words or
with physical behavior, psychologists call it aggression. One common cause of aggres-
sive behavior is frustration, which occurs when a person is prevented from reaching
some desired goal. The concept of aggression as a reaction to frustration is known as
the frustration– aggression hypothesis (Berkowitz, 1993; Miller et al., 1941). Many sources
of frustration can lead to aggressive behavior. Pain, for example, produces negative


Watch the Video Attraction: Sternberg’s Triangular Theory

romantic love
type of love consisting of intimacy and

companionate love
type of love consisting of intimacy and

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