
(Kiana) #1
Social Psychology 503

  1. Many businesses now require their employees to work in teams,
    believing that a group of four to five employees will accomplish
    more than four to five individuals working alone. This is an example
    of what concept?
    a. social facilitation
    b. social impairment

c. social loafing
d. social laziness

  1. Maria was approached by her neighbor, who asked her to adopt
    three kittens that were abandoned by their mother. While Maria
    refused to take in three kittens, she did agree to adopt just one.
    What compliance technique did her neighbor use on Maria?
    a. foot-in-the-door c. lowball
    b. door-in-the-face d. double foot-in-the-door

  2. Which of the following people would probably not be a prime can-
    didate for membership in a cult?
    a. Lewis, who is mad at the world, especially his parents
    b. Leticia, who is open to new ideas and wants world peace and
    harmony among people
    c. Lauren, who is under a lot of stress and dissatisfied with her life
    d. Lawrence, who has only a high school diploma but tends to be
    independent and happy with his life

  3. Follow-up studies to Stanley Milgram’s research have suggested
    that a teacher’s willingness to deliver potentially lethal shocks may
    be more a product of ___ than of obedience.
    a. conformity c. social identity
    b. compliance d. deindividuation

  4. The public-service messages that encourage parents to sit down
    with their children and talk frankly about drugs are promoting which
    method of attitude formation?
    a. direct contact
    b. direct instruction

c. vicarious conditioning
d. observational learning

  1. Researchers have found that a ____ degree of fear in a
    message makes it more effective, particularly when it is combined
    with ____.
    a. maximum; information about how to prevent the fearful
    b. minimum; threats
    c. moderate; threats
    d. moderate; information about how to prevent the fearful

  2. Sandy was a juror in the trial for a man accused of stealing guns
    from a sporting-goods store. The defendant was not very well
    spoken and came from a very poor background, but Sandy
    listened carefully to the evidence presented and made her decision
    based on that. Sandy was using ____ processing.
    a. central-route c. cognitive-route
    b. peripheral-route d. visual-route

  3. If LaShonda was experiencing a sense of cognitive dissonance
    between her attitude and behavior, which of the following would
    help her reduce that uncomfortable sensation?
    a. thinking constantly about the mismatch
    b. maintaining her existing attitude
    c. discussing the inconsistency with others
    d. changing her behavior
    11. Gerard goes to a job interview dressed in patched blue jeans, a
    torn T-shirt, and sandals. His hair is uncombed, and he hasn’t
    shaved in a few days. Obviously, Gerard knows nothing about
    a. cognitive dissonance.
    b. attitude formation.

c. impression formation.
d. groupthink.

  1. If behavior is assumed to be caused by external characteristics, this
    is known as
    a. a situational cause.
    b. a dispositional cause.
    c. a fundamental attribution error.
    d. actor–observer bias.

  2. Thomas likes to “hang with the guys.” These people with whom
    Thomas identifies most strongly with are called a(n)
    a. referent group.
    b. in-group.

c. out-group.
d. “them” group.

  1. The “Robber’s Cave” experiment showed the value of
    ____ in combating prejudice.
    a. “jigsaw classrooms”
    b. equal-status contact

c. subordinate goals
d. stereotyping vulnerability

  1. Vivian and Steve met at work. At first they were just friends, but
    over time, they found themselves falling in love—or, as Vivian
    tells her friends, “Steve just grew on me!” According to research
    in interpersonal attraction, the most likely explanation for their
    attraction is
    a. mere exposure.
    b. personal attractiveness.

c. fate.
d. reciprocity of liking

  1. According to Sternberg, a couple whose love is based on inti-
    macy and passion but who are not yet committed to a long-term
    relationship are in the form of love called ____ love.
    a. companionate
    b. romantic

c. affectionate
d. consummate

  1. The concept that aggression results from a social role is based on
    what psychological theory?
    a. humanistic
    b. learning

c. psychoanalytical
d. cognitive

  1. To which two processes do most social psychologists attribute
    the failure of those around LaShanda Calloway to help her?
    a. bystander effect and altruism
    b. aggression and diffusion of responsibility
    c. altruism and diffusion of responsibility
    d. bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility

  2. Cara knows that she can help people simply by dialing 9-1-1 on
    her cell phone if an emergency arises. Which step in the decision
    process for helping would Cara be at?
    a. noticing
    b. taking action

c. taking responsibility
d. planning a course of action

  1. Which of the following would the field of social neuroscience be
    most likely to study?
    a. what parts of the brain influence social behavior
    b. how influential heredity is on social behavior
    c. what impact head trauma has on developing relationships
    d. what impact friends have in resolving conflicts

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