
(Kiana) #1


ABA. See Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
ABC model of attitudes, 472–473
Abnormality, 544–552
behaviorist model, 547
biological model, 547
biopsychosocial model, 548
changing conceptions of, 544–546
cognitive model, 547
defined, 544–546
insanity vs., 546
maladaptive behavior, 545
models of, 546–548
psychodynamic model, 547
psychological models, 547
psychopathology, 544
social norm deviance, 545
sociocultural perspective of, 547–548
statistical definition, 545
subjective discomfort, 545
in various cultures, 558
working definition of, 546
Absolute threshold, 94–95
Abstract concepts, 329
Abstract thinking, 329
Abu Ghraib prison, 492
Abuse, punishment and, 198–199
Acceptance, of death, 347
Accommodation, 124
of schemes, 326
visual, 99
Acculturation, 444, 548
Acculturative stress, 444
Acetylcholine (ACh), 51, 52, 258
Achievement needs, 359
Achievement tests, 280, 287
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. See AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
Acquired (secondary) drives, 357
Acquisition, 179
Acrophobia, 553
Action potential, 48–49, 51
Action therapy, 589, 602
Activation-information-mode model (AIM), 156
Activation-synthesis hypothesis, 155–156
Active listening, PIA-10–PIA-11
Activity theory of aging, 347
Actor-observer bias, 479
Acute stress disorder (ASD), 555, 556–557
and DSM-5, 553, 555
Adaptive behavior, 288
Adaptive theory of sleep, 143–144
ADD. See Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
ADHD. See Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Adler, Alfred, 8, 511–512
Adolescence, 338–341
antipsychotic drugs and, 617
cognitive development of, 339–340
defined, 338
eating disorders and, 568
formal operations and, 339–340
hassles and, 426–427
identity vs. role confusion in, 340–341
imaginary audience and, 339
moral development of, 340
panic attacks and, 554
parent-teen conflict, 341

personal fable and, 339
physical development of, 338–339
psychosocial development of, 340–341
puberty, 338–339, 392, 393, 511
sleepwalking and, 149
Adoption studies, 293–295, 313
on personality disorders, 578
personality studies, 527–528
on schizophrenia, 574–575
Adrenal cortex, 66
Adrenal glands, 64, 66
Adrenaline, 432, 436
Adrenal medulla, 66
Adulthood, 342–348
aging, effects on health, 343
andropause, 343
brain, keeping young, 344
cognitive development, 344
death, cross-cultural views on, 349–350
death and dying, stages of, 347–348
defined, 342
ego integrity vs. despair, 346
emerging, 342
forming relationships, 344–345
generativity vs. stagnation, 345–346
hassles and, 427
intimacy, 344–345
intimacy vs. isolation, 344–345
life review, 346
memory, changes in, 344
menopause, 343
mortality, dealing with, 346
parenting, 345–346
parenting styles, 345–346
physical and psychological aging, theories of,
physical development, 342–343
psychosocial development, 344–346
REM sleep, 143
sleep patterns, 143
Aerial perspective, 123–124
Aesthetic needs, 364
Affect, 472, 563–566
flat, 573
Affective component, of attitudes, 472
Affective symptoms, of test anxiety, 580
Afferent (sensory) neurons, 57
Affiliation needs, 359
African Americans, in history of
psychology, 7
therapist preferences, 597
Afterimages, 104–105
fundamental attribution error and, 480
human development and, 312
metabolism and, 370, 372
sexual activity and, 407–408
Aggression, 428, 490–491
biology and, 491–492
displaced, 428
power of social roles, 492–493
punishment and, 197, 198–199
social learning explanations for, 492–494
violence in media and, 493–494
adulthood and, 342–348
effect on health, 343
physical and psychological, 342–343, 346–347

Agonists, 51
drugs as, 54
Agoraphobia, 554, 555
therapy for, 610
Agreeableness, 523, 524, 527, 538
AI. See Artificial intelligence (AI)
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome),
414,  415
in Russia, 417
stress and, 437
in U.S., 416
AIM. See Activation-information-mode model (AIM)
Ainsworth, Mary, 332–333
Alarm stage, 433
Alcohol, 166–168, 171
aggression and, 491–492
pregnancy and, 320
Alcoholic Anonymous, 606
Algorithms, 272
Al-Hazan, 127
Allen, David, 386
All-or-nothing thinking, 558
Allport, Gordon, 522
Alpha waves, 70, 145
Altered states of consciousness, 138–140
Altruism, 494–495
Alzheimer’s disease, 14, 31, 47, 52, 59, 70, 71, 77,
249–251, 258–259, 288, 436
Amabile, Teresa, 356, 427, A-11
Ambivalent attachment, 332
American Academy of Neurology, 87
American Psychiatric Association, 573, 612
American Psychological Association (APA), 7, 610,
B-4, B-5, B-8
American Psychological Association (APA) style,
Ames Room illusion, 129
Amitriptyline (Elavil), 616, 618
Alzheimer’s disease, 258–259
anterograde, 235, 257–258, 620
biological causes of, 257–259
dissociative, 560
infantile, 259–253
organic, 257–259
retrograde, 257–258, 620
Amok, 561
Amphetamines, 163–164, 171
Amygdala, 76, 77
aggression and, 491
anxiety, trauma, and stress disorders and, 558
emotion and, 374–376
memory and, 255
Anal expulsive personality, 510
Anal retentive personality, 510
Anal stage, 510
Analysis of variance, A10
Analytical intelligence, 280
Anderson, Craig, 493
Androgens, 394
Androgyny, 401–402
Andropause, 343
Anger, death and dying and, 347
Anima/animus, 511
The Animal Mind (Washburn), 6
Animal research, 37
Animal studies in language, 302–303
Animism, 327

Subject Index SI-

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