
(Kiana) #1


fragile X syndrome, 289
giftedness, 290–292
Intelligence, 278–296
analytical, 280
The Bell Curve, 295–296
chronological age, 282
creative, 280
defined, 278
emotional, 292–293
extremes of, 288
fluid, 306
Gardner’s multiple intelligences, 279–280
genetic influences, 293–294
giftedness, 290–292
individual differences in, 288–293
intellectual disability (intellectual developmental
disorder), 288–293
measuring, 282–283
mental age, 282
nature/nurture controversy, 293–296
practical, 280
self-theory of motivation and, 359–360
Spearman’s g factor, 278
Stanford-Binet and IQ, 282–283
Sternberg’s triarchic theory, 280
theories of, 278–281
twin studies, 293
Intelligence quotient (IQ), 282
normal curve, 282–283, A8
Intelligence tests, 284–288
Binet’s mental ability test, 282
cultural bias and, 286–287
deviation IQ scores, 284–285
Dove Counterbalance General Intelligence
Test,  286
heritability of intelligence and, 293–294
median test scores, A6
normal curve, 284–285, A8
standardization of, 284
test construction, 284–288
usefulness of, 287–288
Wechsler Tests, 282, 283
Interaction with others, attitude formation and, 474
Interference theory, 254
Intergroup contract, 486
Internal frustration, 428
International Classification of Diseases (ICD), 548
Internet, research and, PIA-17
Interneurons, 57
Interpersonal attraction, 487–489
companionate love, 490
consummate love, 490
love, components of, 489
love triangles, 489–490
online networking and, 488–489
physical attractiveness, 487
proximity, 487–488
reciprocity of liking, 488
romantic love, 490
rules of, 487–489
similiarity, 488
triangular theory of love, 489–490
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), 592
Interposition, 123
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 154
Intersex (intersexual), 394
Interval schedule, 193, 194
Interviews, 531, 532
Intimacy, 344, 490
Intimacy vs. isolation, in adulthood, 344–345
Intonation, 299
Intrinsic motivation, 356
Introversion, 522
Introversion/extraversion (I/E), 534
Introverts, 524
Inuits, 301

Involuntary muscles, 59–60
I/O. See Industrial/organization (I/O) psychology
Ion channels, 47, 49
Ions, 48
IPIP Neo Personality Inventory, 534
Iproniazid, 617
IPT. See Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
IQ. See Intelligence quotient (IQ)
Iris, 99
Irreversibility, 328
Ishihara color test, 105
Isocarboxazid (Marplan), 617
Iwakabe, Shigeru, 611

Jacobson, Lenore, 32
James, William, 6–7, 138, 251, 379, 520
James-Lange theory of emotion, 379, 380, 381
Jameson, Matthew, 34
Janis, Irving, 462
Janus, Cynthia L., 407
Janus, Samuel S., 407
Janus report, 407
Japanese Americans, IQ scores of, 296
Jet lag, 141
Jigsaw classroom, 487
Job stress, 443–444
Johnson, Virginia, 404–405, 406
Jones, Jim, 471
Jones, Mary Cover, 9–10
Journal keeping, 276
Journal of Educational Psychology, B-7
Jung, Carl, 8, 511, 524, 534
Just noticeable differences (jnd), 94

Kanzi, use of language, 302–303
Keirsey Temperament Sorter II, 532, 534
Kennedy, John F., 245, 621
Kennedy, Joseph, 621
Kennedy, Rosemary, 621
Kenrick, Douglas, 365
Ketamine, 618
Kinesthetic sense, 116, 118–119
defined, 116
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 484
King, Rodney, 483–484
Kinsey, Alfred, 406–407
Kinsey study of sexual behavior, 406–407
Kitaoka, Akiyoshi, 127
Klinefelter’s syndrome, 316
Klüver-Bucy syndrome, 77
Kobasa, Suzanne, 442
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 340–341
Köhler, Wolfgang, 208, 209–210
Koresh, David, 471
Koro, 558
Kosslyn’s fictional island, 269
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 347–348

Labeling emotion, 378
Labels, for psychological disorders, 551
Laboratory observation, 23–24
LAD. See Language acquisition device (LAD)
Lamotrigine, 617
Lange, Carl, 379
Language, 298–303
animal studies in, 302–303
defined, 298
development of, 299–300
grammar, 298
linguistic relativity hypothesis, 300–302

morphemes, 298
phonemes, 298
pragmatics, 299
psychotherapy and, 612
semantics, 299
stages of development, 327
syntax, 299
thinking and, 300–302
Language acquisition device (LAD), 298, 302
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), 99
Latané, Bibb, 13, 495
Late adulthood, 346
Latency stage, 511
Latent content of dreams, 154, 591
Latent learning, 208–209
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 102, 105
Lateral hypothalamus (LH), 369
Law, psychology and the, B-8–B-9
Law of effect, 188–189
Law of parsimony, 39
Lazarus, Richard, 382, 438
LCSW. See Licensed clinical social worker (LCSW)
Learned helplessness, 210–212, 360, 443, 565
Learning, 176–220
classical conditioning, 150, 178–186, 218–220,
cognitive learning theory, 208–212
context-dependent, 240
defined, 178
implicit, 513
insight, 210
latent, 208–209
learned helplessness, 210–212, 360, 443, 565
observational, 203–215, 474
operant conditioning, 12, 188–205, 596–601
rote, 233
state-dependent, 240
Learning curves, 188, 209
Learning/performance distinction, 213
Learning style, PIA-4
LeDoux, Joseph, 374–375
Left hemisphere, 83–84
Lens, of eye, 99
Leptin, 369
Lesioning, 67, 621
Lesioning studies, of the brain, 67
Levant, Isia, 128
Levels-of-processing model, 225
Lewis, James Edward, 526
LGN. See Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
LH. See Lateral hypothalamus (LH)
Licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), B-3, B-5
Licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), B-5
Licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), B-5
Licensed professional counselor (LPC), B-5
Life review, 346
Light, perceptual properties of, 97–98
Light adaptation, 102
Light sleep, 146
Limbic system, 75–77
aggression and, 491
defined, 76
Linear perspective, 123, 124
Linguistic relativity hypothesis, 300–301
Linking, PIA-15–PIA-16
Lithium, 617
“Little Albert,” 9, 35, 184, 557
“Little Peter,” 10
LMFT. See Licensed marriage and family therapist
LMHC. See Licensed mental health counselor
Lobotomy, 620–621
Loci method, PIA-16
Locus of control, 360, 516
Loftus, Elizabeth, 244, 246, 248, B1

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