
(Kiana) #1


Tracts, 47
Trait perspective, 524–525
defined, 521–522
source, 522
surface, 522
Trait-situation interaction, 524
Transcendence needs, 364
Tr a n s c r a n i a l d i re c t c u r re n t s t i m u l a t i o n ( t D C S ) , 6 8 , 6 2 1
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 68
Transduction, 94, 224
Transference, 591
Transgender, 395–396
Transorbital lobotomy, 621
Transsexuals, 396
Tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate), 617
Trauma- and stressor-related disorders, 556–557,
Trauma-related disorders, 551
causes of, 557–558
posttraumatic stress disorder (See Posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD))
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 288
Treisman, Anne M., 230
Trephining, 544
Trial and error (mechanical solutions), 271–272
Triarchic theory of intelligence, 280
Trichromatic (three colors) theory, 102–103
Tricyclic antidepressants, 618
Trivers, Robert, 408
Truths, testing, 38–39
Trypanophobia, 533
Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar, 313
t-test, A11
Turner’s syndrome, 316
Twinning, 318
Twin studies, 293, 313
behavioral genetics and, 526–527
on depressive disorders, 566
on personality, 527, 528
on schizophrenia, 574
on sexual orientation, 411
Two-factor theory, 381
Tympanic membrane (eardrum), 108
Type A Behavior and Your Heart (Freidman &
Rosenman), 440
Type A personality, 440–441, 442
Type B personality, 440–441, 442
Type C personality, 441, 442
Type 2 diabetes, stress and, 436
Typhoid Mary, 338
Type H personality, 442
Typical antipsychotics, 615

UCR. See Unconditioned response (UCR)
UCS. See Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Ulcers, stress and, 432
Umami, 113
Umbilical cord, 319
Uncertainty avoidance, culture and, 529
Unconditional positive regard, 519–520, 592–593
Unconditioned response (UCR), 179, 180
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), 179, 180, 180, 183,
189, 191
Unconscious mind, 12, 506–507
collective, 511
personal, 511
Uncontrollability, 427
Unipolar disorder, 564
Unpredictability, stress and, 427
Uterus, 319, 392

Vagina, 392
Vagus nerve, 380, 434
Validity, 284, 536
Validity scales, 533
Valium, 166, 617
Valproic acid (Depakote), 617
Variability, measures of, A-2, A-7–A-9
range, A-7–A-8
standard of deviation, A-8–A-9
Variable interval schedule, 195, 196
Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement,
Variables, 28–30
confounding, 29
dependent, 29
independent, 29
Vasopressin, 65
Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), 369
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), 211
Verbal/rhythmic organization, PIA-16
Vestibular senses, 119
defined, 119
Vicarious conditioning, 184
attitude formation and, 474
Vicary, James, 95
Video games, aggression and violent, 493
aggression and media, 493–494
in cartoons, 28–29
Virtual exposure therapies, 598
Virtual reality, 623
Virtual reality therapies, 623–624
Visceral pain, 116
Visible spectrum, 97
development of, 324–325
persistence of, 132
Visual accommodation, 99
Visual association cortex, 78–79
Visual cliff experiment, 325–326
Visual cortex, 78, 101, 269
Visualization, 450, B-12
Vitreous humor, 99
VMH. See Ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH)
vmPFC. See Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
Volley principle, 109
Volume, 107
Voluntary muscles, 59–60, 147–148, 155
von Békésy, Georg, 109
von Helmholtz, Hermann, 5, 103, 109
Vygotsky, Lev, 13, 300, 329–330

WAIS-IV. See Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wakefield, Andrew, 331
Waking consciousness, 138
Wald, George, 103
Walk, Michael, 325–326
Wall, Patrick, 117
Washburn, Margaret F., 6
Watson, John B., 9, 12, 184
Watts, James W., 621
Wear-and-tear theory of aging, 346–347
Weber, Ernst, 94
Weber’s Law, 94
Wechsler, David, 283
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV), 283

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(WISC-IV),  283
Wechsler Intelligence Tests, 283, 284
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
(WPPSI-IV), 283
Weight set point, 369–370
Wernicke, Carl, 81
Wernicke’s aphasia, 81
Wernicke’s area, 78, 81
Wertheimer, Max, 7–8
Western Collaborative Group Study, 440
Western Electric Company, B-11
Wever, Ernest, 109
White matter, 69
Whitman, Charles, 491
WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO)
Whole sentences, 300
Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 301
Wiesel, Torsten, 126
Williams, Brad, 251
Williams, Robin, 245
Williams, Rose, 621
Williams, Tennessee, 621
Winkte, 396
WISC-IV. See Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC-IV)
Withdrawal, 161, 429
Womb envy, 512
Women. See also under Female; Gender
conformity, 461–462
depression and, 564
eating disorders and, 568–569
effect of alcohol on, 166, 167–168
panic attacks and, 554
physical aggression in dreams, 156
in psychology, 7
PTSD and, 557
sexual behavior of, 404–405
smoking and, 165
stereotype threat and, 486
Word salad, 573
Working backward, 273
Working memory, 231–232, 306
Workplace stress, 444
Work settings, 16
World Health Organization (WHO), 415, 548
WPPSI-IV. See Wechsler Preschool and
Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV)
Wundt, Wilhelm, 5–6, B-11

Xanax, 617

Yerkes, Robert, B-11
Yerkes-Dodson law, 361
Young, Thomas, 103
Young adulthood, 342–343

Zimbardo, Philip, 492
Zimmerman, George, 483
Zone of proximal development (ZPD), 330
z score, A-9, A-12
Zucker, Ken, 412
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality
Questionnaire, 362
Zygote, 318

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