Oded Galor - Az emberiség utazása

(BlackTrush) #1

Ashraf, Quamrul és Oded Galor: „The »Out of Africa« hypothesis, human
genetic diversity, and comparative economic development”, American
Economic Review 103, no. 1 (2013), 1–46.
Ashraf, Quamrul és Oded Galor: „Dynamics and stagnation in the
Malthusian Epoch”, American Economic Review 101, no. 5 (2011), 2003–
Ashraf, Quamrul, Oded Galor és Marc Klemp: „Population Diversity and
Differential Paths of Long-Run Development since the Neolithic
Revolution” (2020).
Ashraf, Quamrul, Oded Galor és Marc Klemp: „Ancient Origins of the
Wealth of Nations”, in Handbook of Historical Economics, Elsevier, 2021.
Ashraf, Quamrul, Oded Galor és Ömer Özak: „Isolation and
development”, Journal of the European Economic Association 8, no. 2–3
(2010), 401–12.
Ashraf, Quamrul és Stelios Michalopoulos: „Climatic fluctuations and the
diffusion of agriculture”, Review of Economics and Statistics 97, no. 3
(2015), 589–609.
Atack, Jeremy, Fred Bateman, Michael Haines és Robert A. Margo: „Did
railroads induce or follow economic growth? Urbanization and population
growth in the American Midwest, 1850–1860”, Social Science History 34,
no. 2 (2010), 171–97.
Atkinson, Quentin D.: „Phonemic diversity supports a serial founder
effect model of language expansion from Africa”, Science 332, no. 6027
(2011), 346–9.
Bae, Christopher J., Katerina Douka és Michael D. Petraglia: „On the
origin of modern humans: Asian perspectives”, Science 358, no. 6368
Bairoch, Paul: „International industrialization levels from 1750 to 1980”,
Journal of European Economic History 11, no. 2 (1982), 269–333.
Bairoch, Paul: „Geographical structure and trade balance of European
foreign trade from 1800 to 1970”, Journal of European Economic History 3,
no. 3 (1974), 557–608.
Banfield, Edward C.: The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, Free Press,
Bar-Yosef, Ofer: „The Natufian culture in the Levant, threshold to the
origins of agriculture”, Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and
Reviews 6, no. 5 (1998), 159–77.
Bar-Yosef, Ofer és François R. Valla: Natufian foragers in the Levant:
Terminal Pleistocene social changes in Western Asia, Vol. 19, Berghahn
Books, 2013.

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