#112 Bang Phlat Photo Walk | 12th March 2023

(Bangkok Photographers) #1

Walk whisperer Mark found us another spectacular route to follow around a fantastic part

of Bangkok, and he didn’t have to go very far to find it. Bang Phlat is on the west side of the

Chao Phraya River, only a short distance north from the Old City. A very grand total of 47

Bangkok photographers made the journey to explore the neighbourhood together.

Of this intrepid group, 34 submitted their shots for Bangkok Photo Walks - an extremely

impressive 72 per cent! We are all very grateful for your contributions and hope you enjoy

the Walk Talk and the magazine that they help to create. While attendance at the Walk Talks is

currently pretty low, we strongly encourage everyone to come along if they can. Not only is it

helpful to learn from other members, it’s usually a good laugh, too.

The three of us on the pre-walk for this route noted that the people of Bang Phlat were

especially friendly and generally more than happy to be photographed - a fact that is pretty

evident from the number of street portraits that were submitted. We commented at the

time that they might not be quite so welcoming when faced with 50 photographers but we

were delighted to find everyone acting with the due care and respect. Thank you for that


A useful phrase for the farang members to try on the next walk: “Khor pom thairup khun

dai hai krub?” That’s Thai for ‘may I take a photo of you?’ if you’re male. If you’re female, swap

“pom” for “chan” and “krub” for “kha”. Give it a try!

We joked, on the pre-walk, that Mark’s route offered plenty of scope for losing a some

photographers. We generally manage to shake a few of you off, often including Koen Olie.

The reward for his...adventurous approach to navigation is that he and his geographically

challenged fellows often return with some really interesting and unique shots. As he

commented to Greg, during the walk itself: “This is the only group I participate in where

getting lost is considered a badge of honour!”

Have fun,

Greg, Mark and Ben.

Bangkok Photo Walks

Issue #

Bangkok Photo Walks is a not-for-profit, community-created
publication. All photographs herein are copyrighted by their
respective creators and published only with their permission.
Reproduction of this magazine in any form is not permitted
without the written permission of the publishers.
Please contact: [email protected]

Head of BPG Greg Rhodes
Magazine Editor Ben Reeves
Photo Walk Coordinator Mark A. Hathaway
Logo Design Ubonpayom Ongsara
Front Cover Photos Mark A. Hathaway
Title Page Photo Zayar Htun
Group Photo Greg Rhodes
Back Cover Photo Manuel Hernandez V

© 2023 Bangkok Photographers Group

Get lost with pride

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