Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

Determiners and possessives in Old English and Polish 257

Figure 3. Possessives nasz ‘o u’, nasza ‘o u’, nasze ‘o u’ and
wasz ‘’, wasza ‘’, wasze ‘’ in the singular with

Case Possessive-
(1st person)

Occurrences Possessive-
(2nd person)


N/A nasz ten 3 wasz ten 1
G naszego tego 2 waszego tego 0
D naszemu temu 0 waszemu temu 0
I/L (o) naszym tym 0 (o) waszym tym 0
N nasza ta 3 wasza ta 1
G/D/L (o) naszej tej 3 (o) waszej tej 0
A naszą tę 1 waszą tę 0
A/I naszą tą 1 waszą tą 0
N/A nasze to 0 wasze to 0

Figure 4. Possessives nasz ‘o u’, nasza ‘o u’, nasze ‘o u’ and wasz
‘’, wasza ‘’, wasze ‘‘’ in the plural with determiners

Case Possessive-
(1st person)

Occurrences Possessive-
(2nd person)


N nasi/nasze ci/te 2 wasi/wasze ci/te 1
G/A/L naszych tych 1 waszych tych 0
D naszym tym 0 waszym tym 0
I naszymi tymi 1 waszymi tymi 0

As for the combinations with uninflected possessives in the 3rd person jego, jej,
ich ‘his, her, their’ and the inflected forms of swój, swoja, swoje ‘one’s own’, they are even
rarer because most of the possessives in the sequences under consideration are actu-
ally objects of verbs as shown in (28). Genuine combinations of 3rd person possessives
and determiners are demonstrated in (29) and (30):

(28) jego ta rozmowa i przywołane wspomnienie
him this conversation and brought back memory
zupełnie wytrąciły z równowagi
completely flustered.past 3 pl
‘this conversation and brought back memory completely
flustered him’
(IJPPAN_2004000000030, Witold Horwath, 2005: 14, ‘Ultra Montana’)

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