Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

278 Roni Katzir & Tal Siloni

c. den-∅ stor-e hest big-w horse
‘the big horse’ (CG)
d. de-t stor-e hus
def-c.n big-w house
‘the big house’ (N)
e. stor-e heste / huse
big-w /
‘big horses/houses’ (PL)
f. de stor-e heste / huse
def big-w /
‘the big horses/houses’ (PL)
On a simplistic view, the paradigm of endings that can appear on determiners and
adjectives is handled as a list that includes a fair amount of homophony:
(17) sg -def +def pl -def +def

  • neut -∅ -e -neut -e -e

  • neut -t -e + neut -e -e

This is unappealing: the w form, -e, appears to be an ‘elsewhere’ realisation – in fact,
the weak forms include an ‘elsewhere’ form across Germanic – and one might expect
an account of Danish to capture this behavior. Not surprisingly, most realizer accounts
of C attempt to provide a principled derivation of this ‘elsewhere’ behavior. One
attempt to do so, articulated by Börjars and Donohue (2000) and adopted by Norris
et al. (2013), is the following:
(18) a. –t: [+neut, sg., –def]
b. ∅: [–neut, sg., –def]
c. –e: elsewhere
According to the entries in (18), the marking of indefinite singular neuter elements
is -t, that of the corresponding CG elements is null, and -e serves as an elsewhere ele-
ment. This compactly captures the paradigm in (17), and it does so while maintaining
the correct markedness relation between -t and ∅ on the one hand and -e on the other.
We wish to point out two concerns with the view expressed in (18). First, it relies
crucially on the marking of indefiniteness rather than of definiteness. This assump-
tion, in turn, makes the appearance of the strong inflection marker C on the definite
marker -EN, such as the appearance of -t on -EN in the Danish example (16d), rather
surprising: across Germanic, one would need to assume that the definiteness marker

  • EN must systematically be marked as indefinite.

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