Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

20 Steven Franks

c. Ivan pokljalsja druz’jam sdelat’ èto
Ivan.nom vowed friends.dat do.inf it
sam/samomu zavtra.
self.nom/dat tomorrow
‘Ivan vowed to his friends to do this himself tomorrow.’
d. Ivan prigrozil Tane potratit’
Ivan.nom threatened Tanya spend.inf
den’gi sam/samomu na sledujuščij god.
money self.nom/dat for next year
‘Ivan threatened Tanya to spend the money for the next year all on his
o w n .’
Mean judgments for c. and d.:^7 nom — 73%; dat — 45%
e. Ivan sdelal usilie porabotat’ odin/odnomu nad temoj.
Ivan.nom made effort work.inf alone.nom/dat over topic.inst
‘Ivan made an effort to work on the topic alone.’
Judgments: nom — 72%; dat — 45%
f. Ivan poprosil razrešenija prijti
Ivan.nom asked permission come.inf
odin/odnomu na večerinku.
alone.nom/dat to p ar t y.acc
‘Ivan asked permission to come to the party alone.’
Judgments nom — 37%; dat — 87%
g. Ivan dal’ obeščanie prijti
Ivan.nom gave promise come.inf
odin/*odnomu na večerinku.
alone.nom/*dat to p ar t y.acc
‘Ivan promised to come to the party alone.’

  1. Compare with the following, in which no matrix NP separates the verb from its comple-
    ment clause, and for which Landau confirms that agreement is obligatory:
    (i) Ivan pokljalsja sdelat’ èto sam/samomu zavtra.
    Ivan.nom vowed do.inf it self.nom/
    dat tomorrow
    ‘Ivan vowed to do it himself tomorrow.’
    (ii) Ivan prigrozil potratit’ den’gi sam/samomu
    ‘Ivan.nom threatened spend.inf money self.nom/
    na sledujuščij god.
    on next year
    ‘Ivan threatened to spend all the money for next year.’

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