Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

  1. I take much of the information about basic word order from Hawkins (1983:283-
    287, 320-342).

  2. Just as I think it useful to consider the Nootka and Eskimo type of noun incorpo­
    ration a subtype of a broader phenomenon (cf. fn. 2).

  3. Cf. also Longacre 1972. Other characterizations are given by Hopper &
    Thompson (1984:741-743) (emphasizing that non-final verbs may be subordinate
    as well as coordinate) and Thompson & Longacre (1985:175-176) (emphasizing
    the difference between chaining and subordination).

  4. This discussion of generalized clause chaining is in the spirit of the discussion of
    subordination by Haiman & Thompson (1984), who isolate several independent
    and gradational parameters that enter into the traditional dichotomy between sub­
    ordination and coordination.


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