Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

2.3.3 Class three prepositions

Class three Prepositions — thus far labeled "adjunct" or "predicative" func­
tions — take the entire LS of the verb as one of their arguments, as in sen­
tence (35).
(35) a. John prayed before noon.
b. [before' (noon, [pray' (John)])]
In this LS (before' (x,y)), y = the event and χ = the reference time, on the
analogy of be-at' (x,y), where y = the located argument and χ = the loca­
tion. Predicative functions are divided into three sub-classes:
(a) Basic functions of at (momentary stage predicate) and via (inter­
val stage predicate) which are treated as primitives in the lexicon
and can be specified in the LS of an accomplishment verb, as in
(b) Sequential prepositions such as before, after, during/while^9 which
specify either an NP or a clausal situation, as illustrated in (35)
and (36) and which, like statives and activities, are treated as
primitives in the lexicon (see the specifications of before' and
pray' as atomic primitives in the LS in (36b));
(36) a. John prayed before his in-laws arrived.
b. [before'([arrive'(in-laws)], [pray' (John)])]
(c) Causatives such as for whose LSs encompass non-predicative
Class three prepositions — apart from the basic functions — are based
on semantic clause-linkage relations, as defined in the FVV Interclausal
Semantic Relations Hierarchy (ISRH) (269-270). (See also "Synopsis",
sect. 6.3, Van Valin & Wilkins, this volume.) That is, the semantic relation
between John prayed and before noon is the same in (35) as that between
John prayed and before his in-laws arrived in (36). The semantic relation in
constructions like (36) is clearly an interclausal semantic relation; and the
same semantic relation can be attributed to (35) as well, thus obviating the
need for any kind of clause-internal temporal thematic relation. The ISRH
sets up a cline of semantic relations from strongest to weakest linkage,
where causative represents the strongest linkage, as shown in Figure 1.
Thus, the semantic structures of predicative functions are defined by the
independently motivated clause-linkage relationships of the ISRH which
they instantiate.
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