Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


Achievements and statives express causality indirectly, where the LS of
from supplies the causative component which is absent in the LS of the
verb, as in (46b), (47b), (48b) and (49b).
(46) b. John died from malaria.
(47) b. John suffered from arthritis.
(48) b. John knows from experience that Aquino will win.
(49) b. John sees from the headlines that Aquino will win.
A comparison of the LSs for (46a) and (46b) in (50a/b) makes explicit the
role of from; the LS in (50b) is provisional.
(50) a. [do' (malaria) CAUSE [BECOME dead' (John)]
b. from' ([(John has malaria)], [BECOME dead' (John)])
Another, more promising, explanation of the role of predicative from in
sentences (46)-(49) is that it marks an antecedent event, semantically
paraphrasable by a complex clause (e.g., from malaria — "as a result of his
having malaria"). Sentence (46b) describes a consequent event (John died)
and an antecedent event (John had malaria). Predicative from marks the
antecedent event in the same way that non-predicative from marks the
antecedent location in a sentence such as (51).
(51) a. John ran from the store to the bank.
b. [run' (John)] CAUSE [[BECOME NOT be-at' (store,
John)] & [BECOME be-at' (bank, John)]]
Thus, in sentences (46b)-(49b), from provides linkage between consequent
and antecedent situations. With the achievement verbs — die (from), learn
(from) — from marks the antecedent situation; causality is indirectly
implied. In sentence (46) , causality is stated directly (as reflected in the
accomplishment LS in (50a). The semantic structure of predicative from
with achievement verbs might be specified as in (50c).
(50)  from': [stative^ (x)] & [BECOME NOT stative'i (x)] & [BE­
COME stative' 2 (x)] & [stative' 2 (x)]
The analogous role of non-predicative from in a motion accomplishment
verb structure is made explicit in the LS in (51b). The fully elaborated
structure for (51a) might be posited as follows in (51c).
(51)  [be-at' (store, John)] & [[run' (John)] CAUSE [[BECOME
NOT be-at' (store, John)] & [BECOME be-at' (bank,
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