Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

There appear to be three semantic subclasses of stative verbs licensing
ablative and/or genitive object-coding. Each of these stative types has a cor­
responding causative type. Two of these subclasses are characterized by
ablative-genitive variation in object coding, one class is characterized by
invariant genitive object-coding.
The class of predicates allowing only genitive objects is fairly small.It
contains stative verbs denoting recollection. The nominal coding the item
recalled (in RRG terms, the theme) receives the genitive:

(8) a. Vivorum memini.
living(G) (I)remember
"I remember the living."
b. Rerum praeteritarum obliviscor.
things(G) past(G) (I)have-forgotten.
"I have forgotten the past."
 Miseremini sociorum.
(we)feel-compassion allies(G)
"We feel compassion for the allies." Cic. Verr. 2,1,28
d. Maiorum quibus orti estis reminiscimini.
ancestors(G) which(Aß) sprung (you)are think-about(iMp)
"Think about the ancestors from which you are sprung."
Another stative verb of recollection, recordor ("I recall"), generally takes
an accusative object. Thus, membership in this subclass does not entail the
irregular case-pattern of (8), although, as will be shown, the converse is the
case: the irregular case-pattern of (8) (invariant genitive object) does entail
membership in the recollection subclass.
The three-place predicate admoneo, "I remind", belongs in this class as
well. It is the causative counterpart of memini, and also requires a genitive
nominal denoting the item recalled. Here, however, the cognizer is denoted
by an accusative nominal, with nominative coding allotted to the nominal
denoting the reminder:
(8) e. Foederis te admoneo.
treaty(G) () (I)remind
"I remind you of the treaty."
Another class, comprising states denoting plenitude and accomplishments
denoting transfer, also sanctions genitive theme-coding. The déverbal
adjective repletus ("full"), derived from the transfer verb repleo ("I fill
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