"A possession which I can't believe not to shame them..."
Cic. Phil. 10,10,22
b. Eum Gaium non monuisse ut iusseram
HIM() Gaius(A) not have-warned(INF) as (I)had-ordered
"I cannot believe him not to have warned Gaius, as I had
Tarnen dicam non paenitere me
nevertheless (I)should-say not grieve(iNF) ()
consilii de tua mansione.
plan(G) about your remaining(AB)
"Nevertheless I will should say that the plan about your
remaining does not grieve me." Cic. Att. 9,10,8
d. Dico eum urbem capuisse.
(I)say him(A) city(A) have-captured(iNF)
"I say that he captured the city."
e. Ñeque te, ñeque quemquam arbitror tuae
neither VOU(A) nor () (I)judge your(G)
paeniturum laudis.
grieve(iNF) praise(G)
"Neither you nor anyone do I judge your praise to grieve."
App. . Non. 158, 5
f. Eum arbitor bonum virum esse.
him(A) (I)judge good(A) () be(iNF)
"I judge him to be a good man."
g. Et My sum capitisque sui ripaeque prions
and MVSUS(A) source(G) and his(G) bank(G) and prior(G)
paenituisse ferunt.
have-shamed(iNF) (they)say.
"And they report that both his own source and his prior bank
shamed Mysus." Ov. Met. 15,278