1.1 Russian
One kind of evidence in Russian for distinguishing subjective and objective
syntactic classes is the potential use of the genitive of negation.^4 A genitive-
case NP may appear in place of a nominative-case NP (with accompanying
neuter singular verb agreement) when that NP is an argument to an objec
tive but not a subjective verb as illustrated in the examples (2)-(5), taken
from Pesetsky (1982).
(2) a. Otvet iz polka ne prisel.
answer-MAsc.NOMSG from regiment NEG arrived-MAsc.sG
"The answer from the regiment didn't arrive"
b. Ne prizlo otveta iz polka.
NEG arrived-NEUT.sG answer-MAsc.GEN.sG from regiment
(3) a. Na zavode nikakie zensciny ne rabotajut.
at factory no women-FEM.NOM.PL NEG work-3pL
"No women work at the factory"
b. *Ne rabotaet na zavode nikakix zenschin.
NEG WOrk-3sG ... WOmen-FEM.GEN.PL
(4) a. Ni odin gorod ne byI čist.
not One City-MASC.NOM.SG NEG WaS-3sG.MASC clean-MASC.SG
"Not one city was clean"
b. *Ne bylo cisto ni odnogo
NEG was-3sG.NEUT clean-NEUT.sG not one
(5) a. Studenty zdes' ne duraki.
student-MAsc.NOM.PL here NEG fools
"The students here are not fools"
b. *Studentov zdes' ne duraki.
student-MAsc.GEN.PL here NEG fools
Example (2) shows the pattern of permissible genitive of negation with an
objective verb; example (3) shows that the genitive of negation is impermis
sible with a subjective verb; example (4) shows that it is also impermissible
with attributive constructions in Russian, and (5) shows that it is likewise
impermissible with identificational constructions.