Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1


b. The are-ke kere aherre-le kwatye ntywe-rlenge.
ISGA see-pc game kangaroo-ERG water drink-Ds
"I saw the kangaroo drinking water."
In MpA the semantic space covered by the cognition and psych-action
senses of English remember are associated with two different lexical items:
irlpangke- "remember" and ¿telare- "to know". There does not appear to be
any form which translates the perception uses of English remember, and no
perception complement has been attested as occurring with the verbs under
discussion. The form irlpangke- "remember" has its diachronic origin in the
compounding of irlpe "ear" and angke- "to say, to speak", literally "the ear
speaks". Hearing and the ear are strongly associated with knowledge and
understanding in the MpA view of the world, as they are throughout much
of Australia.^5 For example, the MpA word awe- "to hear" also means "to
understand" and the form arerte not only means "deaf" but also "stupid;
mad". It would appear that irlpangke- "remember" arises from a notion
that to remember is to have heard in one's mind something known or
understood. The verb irlpangke- is an intransitive verb which takes either a
dative nominal or an -rle clause, as its complement and it only encodes the
stative cognition sense of remember. This is illustrated in (7).
(7) a. Ay enge Bungalow-tayeme-ke irlpangke-me.
ISG s bungalow-time-DAT remember-NPP
"I remember the time of the old Bungalow [Alice Springs
telegraph station]."
b. Ayenge irlpangke-me the-rle re-nhe lhengkiwe-ke.
ISGS remember-NPP 1SGA-THAT 3SG-ACC hid-pc
"I remember that I hid it (somewhere)."
-Rle-clauses like the one in (7b) are unambiguous cases of subordination in
MpA, as they are a semantic argument of the verb and can be replaced by
either a dative or accusative pronoun, depending on the predicate's basic
subcategorization. Irlpangke- would have the same decomposition as the
stative cognition interpretation of remember: (x) (y).

Causativization of irlpangke- "remember" gives the MpA form which
translates English remind, irlpangke-lhile- (remember-CAUSE).
The psych-action sense of remember is pragmatically derived in MpA
from certain uses of the verb itelare-, a transitive verb which is usually glos-
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