Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

quirky (deviant) 67-68, 311-12, 315-
28, 340-65, 369-70
categorization 281-83
causative construction 84-77, 108-9,
124-25, 157, 186, 200, 225-26, 235,
cleft construction 28, 108
clause 3-19, 30-32, 106, 117, 237
layered structure of 5-19, 106-9,
237, 382-83, 536, 553-54, 557-58
vs. sentence 12-16,
clause chaining 239, 242-45, 261-65,
progressive 261-65
regressive 261-64
color terms 470-71
comitative 278-79, 299-300
complement selection 499, 505-8, 514-
18, 525-28
complementation 101, 104, 108-10, 119,
138, 157
complementizer 119-20, 145-46, 152
Completeness Constraint 74-75, 126-27,
129, 132, 135-37, 148
complex sentences (see juncture, nexus)
compounding, verb 209-12
Construction Grammar 100
control construction 52, 57, 125-32, 167-
94, 329, 331
arbitrary 158, 188-92
obligatory 126-31, 150, 171-76, 178-
core 5-6, 9, 27, 30, 40-41, 56, 106-19,
152, 237, 246
core arguments 5-6, 17-19, 40-41, 50,
57, 66, 70, 76, 86-88, 107, 123, 131-
32, 156, 157, 238, 252-53, 383-84,
direct 41, 48, 68, 72-74, 85-88, 118,
156, 384
oblique 41, 49, 68, 156
sharing 107,125, 131,137, 157,171
coverbs 201-2

dative case 67-69, 73, 79-80, 85, 311-16,
328, 334-36, 342, 347-48, 352, 355,
358, 361-68, 479
dative shift (see linking in simple
clauses, marked)
dependent-marking languages 16-20
clause structure in 16-19
adposition structure in 19-20
directionals 8, 152
disposal (see ba construction)

effector 39-46, 75-86, 280, 297-98, 415
Empty Category Principle 145
equi-NP-deletion (see control construc­
ergative case 73, 117-18, 474, 477-80,
syntactic 58-59, 156
in NP 384
evidentials 8-9, 241, 537-39, 544, 547-
48, 550
experiencer 39-46, 193, 410, 414-23,

focus 23, 25, 32, 77, passim
assignment 91-92, 148
broad 25
narrow 25, 27-28, 33, 60, 90-91, 97,
marked 27, 145
unmarked 27, 145
predicate 25-28, 30-33, 59, 90-91,
sentence 25-28, 31-33, 92, 97, 386
focus domain
actual 30-33, 137, 140, 144-45
potential 29-33, 121-23, 137-44,
focus structure 22-33, 64, 121-23
lexical influences on 144-47
Functional Grammar (Dik) 536
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