Advances in Sociophonetics

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 6. Sound archives and linguistic variation 171

has been collected by linguists for purposes which are not only for sociophonetics.
ADICA (Archivio dei dialetti campani) is an archive of spoken dialectal texts from
the Phlegrean area (Procida, Monte di Procida, Ischia, Pozzuoli). It contains all
the recordings collected by scholars and students working on the sociolinguistics
of Campania dialects (Sornicola 2002; Di Salvo 2006).^1 It contains 130 hours of
recordings from 120 speakers. The map in Figure 1 illustrates the area in which
the recordings have been collected.

Figure 1. The area under investigation.

  1. The ADICA project has received funding from Regione Campania. The phase of collecting,
    digitizing and archiving the data has recently been concluded and the obtained archive will soon
    be published online. A preview of the archive can be found at the following web site: http://www.

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