
(vip2019) #1

÷10 ÷10 ÷10 ÷

When we divide by 10,
digits move one place
value to the right

When we
multiply by
10, digits
move one
place value
to the left

×10 ×10 ×10 ×

Th H T O

4 3 7

4 3 7 0

4 3 7

Ten times bigger or smaller
Each column in the place-value system increases or decreases
the value of a digit by 10. This is really useful when we multiply
or divide a number by 10, 100, and so on.

Let’s look at what happens to 437
when we multiply or divide it by 10.

If we divide 437 by 10, each digit
moves one column to the right.
The new number is 43.7. A dot, called
a decimal point, separates ones from
numbers 10 times smaller, called tenths.




  • 6


5 hundreds

7 tens

When we write this again with
numbers, using zeros as
place holders, we get four
separate numbers.

When we put the digits into
columns, we can see how
many thousands, hundreds,
tens, and ones the number is
made of.

To multiply 437 by 10, we move
each digit one column to the left.
The new number is 4370, which is
437 × 10.

6 ones

Now, if we add up the four
numbers, we get 2576, our
original number. So, our place
value system works!

Th H T O

2 5 7 6

Th H T O

2 5 7 6

2 0 0 0

7 0


The value of 2
in this number
is 2000 because
of its position

2 thousands

How place value works
Let’s look at the number 2576 and think some
more about how place value works.

5 0 0


Decimal point



012_013_Place_Values.indd 13 29/02/2016 14:

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