
(vip2019) #1

What’s happened to the
area and the perimeter?
When we changed the shape,
we removed 10 cm^2 from the
bottom, but replaced it with
only 3 cm^2 on the side.

So, the perimeter has stayed
the same, but the area is
now smaller.

The area of the crocodile enclosure
is 400 m². This is greater than the
leopard enclosure, even though they both
have the same perimeter.

So, we can see that shapes with the
same perimeter don’t always have
the same area.

Take a look at this rectangle.
If we keep the perimeter the
same, but make it 1 cm longer and
take 1 cm off the width, you might
think the area would stay the same.

If we multiply the lengths of the sides
of the leopard enclosure, we can see
that its area is 375 m².

10 cm

11 cm

4 cm

3 cm

10 cm^2

3 cm^2

Perimeter = 28 cm
Area = 40 cm^2 Perimeter = 28 cm Area = 33 cm 2

Same perimeter but
different area
Now look at these two enclosures. They
both have a perimeter of 80 m. Does this
mean that they have the same area too?

Why aren’t they
the same?
When we change the
measurements of a shape,
why don’t the perimeter
and area change by the
same amount? Perimeter
is a measure of the length
around the edge of a
shape. Area is a measure

The volumes of solids

by the perimeter. This
means that when we
change one, the other isn’t
affected in the same way.

20 m

15 m

20 m

25 m

Perimeter = 80 m
Area = 400 m²

Perimeter = 80 m
Area = 375 m²

176_177_Comparing_area_and_perimeter.indd 177 29/02/2016 18:03

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