
(vip2019) #1
Calculating with time

Comparing time with
mixed units
Sometimes we’re asked to calculate
times that are in a mixture of units.
We need to be careful to make sure
the numbers are in the same unit
before we start calculating.

Look at the times of these
three flights from New
York. Let’s compare the
duration of each journey
and work out which is
the shortest flight.

It’s difficult to see which
is shortest when the time for
each journey is in a different unit.
Let’s convert them all into hours
to make it simpler to work out.

The flight to Buenos Aires is
already in hours, so we start
by converting the duration of the
flight to Dubai. There are 24
hours in a day, so we multiply
0.5 days by 24: 0.5 × 24 = 12.
So, the journey from New York to
Dubai takes 12 hours.

Next, we convert the time
taken for the Paris flight
into hours. We work this out
by dividing by 60, because
there are 60 minutes in an
hour: 480 ÷ 60 = 8. So, it takes
8 hours to fly from New York
to Paris.

We have worked out
that it takes 8 hours
to reach Paris, 11 hours to
reach Buenos Aires, and
12 hours to reach Dubai
from New York. So, the
journey to Paris is shortest.

Working with time
These robots are watching a
film that is two and a half
hours long. They have watched
80 minutes. How many
minutes of the film are left?


Answer on page 319





New York to Paris
480 minutes

New York
to Dubai
0.5 days

New York to
Buenos Aires
11 hours


First, convert the length
of the film into minutes.

Now all you need to do
is subtract the number
of minutes watched from the
total length of the film.

196-197_Calculating_with_time.indd 197 29/02/2016 18:04

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