
(vip2019) #1


A prism is a special kind of 3D shape. It is a polyhedron, which
means that all its faces are flat. Its two ends are also the same
shape and size, and they are parallel to each other.

Cross sections
If you cut through a prism
parallel to one of its ends,
the new face you make is
called a cross section. It
will be the same shape
and size as the original
flat face.

The tent shape’s
ends are parallel
triangles, so we call
it a triangular prism

All cross sections
will be the same
size and shape

The marshmallow
is a prism – its
parallel ends
are squares

Finding prisms
Look at this picture of a
campsite. We’ve pointed out
some prisms, but can you
spot them all? You should
be able to find eight.

A prism is the same size
and shape all the way
along its length.

226_227_3D_Prisms.indd 226 29/02/2016 18:05

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