
(vip2019) #1

Estimating a total
Sometimes we estimate because it would take too
long to count or calculate the exact answer.

Checking a calculation
Sometimes, we work out what we expect an answer
to be by simplifying, or rounding, the numbers.

There are 12 tulips
in the bottom right
square. So, the total
number is approximately
12 × 9, which is 108.

Our two estimates have come up with
answers of 99 and 108. In fact, there are
105 tulips, so both estimates were pretty close!

When we do the actual
calculation, the answer we
get is very close to our estimate.
So, we can be confident that our
addition is correct.

Another way to
estimate the total
is to divide the bed
into rough squares.
If we count the flowers
in one square, we can
estimate the number
in the whole bed.

The first number is slightly
less than 3000, and the
second is slightly more than

  1. We can quickly add 3000
    to 4000, to get 7000.

Let’s look at this
bed of tulips. We
want to know roughly
how many there are,
without having to
count them, one
by one.

Let’s add together 2847 and

  1. We make an estimate
    first so that if our answer is very
    different, we know that we might
    have made a mistake.

The tulips aren’t
in exact rows,
but we can count 11
flowers in the front
row. There are nine
rows, so we can
say there are about
11 × 9 flowers, which
is 99.

2847 + 4102 =? 3000 + 4000 = 7000 2847 + 4102 = 6949

There are nine
horizontal rows

The flower bed is
divided roughly
into nine squares

There are 11 flowers
in the front row

We estimate that the answer
will be approximately 7000

There are 12 flowers in
the bottom right square

024_025_Estimating_Numbers.indd 25 29/02/2016 14:08

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