
(vip2019) #1

Writing a formula
A formula is like a recipe, except that
in a formula we use signs and letters
instead of words. A formula usually
has three parts: a subject, an equals
sign, and a combination of letters
and numbers containing the recipe’s
instructions. Let’s look at one of the
simplest formulas, for finding the
area of a rectangle. The formula is
Area = length × width. Using algebra,
we can write this as A = lw.


A formula is a rule for finding out the value of something.
We write a formula using a combination of mathematical
signs and letters to represent numbers or quantities.

The subject of
the formula

The recipe
(l × w)

An equals sign shows
the formula balances

A l w

Using letters
Formulas use letters instead of words,
so we need to know what the different
letters stand for. Here are the letters we
use to solve mathematical problems
that involve measurement.

When we write a formula,
we leave out the
multiplication sign.

h = height

In a formula, we can use
letters instead of writing
out all the words.

A = area

P = perimeter

V = volume

l = length

w = width

b = base


308-309_Formulas.indd 308 29/02/2016 16:39

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