
(vip2019) #1

highest common factor 46
Hindu-Arabic numerals 10–11
honeycomb cells 218
horizon 205
horizontal lines 205, 206, 210
of a grid 248
hours 192, 193
place value 12, 13
Roman numerals 10

icosagon 219
icosahedron 225
image 260, 261
imperial units 188–91
converting to metric units 189
improper fractions 42–3
inches 189, 190
indices 152
intersection 275
lines 211, 236, 237
invention of numbers 10
inverse squares 38
irregular decagon 218
irregular dodecagon 219
irregular heptagon 218
irregular hexagon 218
irregular icosagon 219
irregular nonagon 219
irregular octagon 219
irregular pentagon 219
irregular quadrilateral 219
irregular triangle 218
isosceles trapezium 217
isosceles triangles 215, 241
finding the perimeter of 167
lines of symmetry in 257

Kelvin scale 186
kilogram (kg) units 182
kilometre (km) units 160, 161, 163
graph to convert to miles 289
kite shape 217

lattice method of multiplication
laws of arithmetic 154–55
for equations 302
length 160–61
calculations with 162–63
imperial units of 189, 190–91
lines 204
perimeter 164, 165
three-dimensional (3D)
shapes 222
two-dimensional (2D) shapes

less than symbol 21
letters in formulas 308
line graphs 288–89, 290–91
line of reflection 260, 261
line of symmetry 256, 257
lines 204
curved 220
diagonal (oblique) 206–07,
horizontal 205, 210, 211
intersecting 236, 237
parallel 208–09
perpendicular 210–11
polygons 212
vertical 205, 210, 211
litre (l) units 178, 179
long division 146–47
expanded 144–45
long multiplication 120–23
expanded 118–19
of decimals 124–25
lowest common multiples 31

compass directions 254
coordinates 248, 249
position and direction 252,
mass 182
calculating 184–85
imperial units of 188, 190–91
weight and 183
matter (material) 182, 183
mean 276, 277, 278, 280, 281
measuring angles 238, 239
measuring area 168
measuring length 160–67
calculations with 162
perimeters 164–67
measuring mass 182
median 276, 278, 280, 281
members of sets 274
metre (m) units 160, 161, 163
metric units
converting to imperial units
equivalent measures 191
of length 160
of mass 182
miles 189, 190
miles to kilometres conversion
graph 289
milligram (mg) units 182
millilitre (ml) units 178, 179
millimetre (mm) units 160, 161
minus symbol 88
minutes 192, 193
mirror line 256, 260
mixed numbers 42–3

mode (modal value) 276, 279,
280, 281
money 198, 199
calculating with 200–01
months 194, 195
multiples 30–1
counting in 102–03
dividing with 130
rewriting fractions with 51
multiplication 98–127
associative law 154, 155
by 10 10, 108
by 10, 100, and 1000 108
commutative law 154
with decimals 124–25, 127
distributive law 155, 303
division and 129
equivalent fractions 45
expanded long 118–19
expanded short 114–15
fractions 54–5
grid method of 112–13
lattice method of 126–27
long multiplication 120–23,
order of operations 152, 153
partitioning for 110–11
patterns in 107
scaling 100
short multiplication 116–17
strategies for 107
tables 104–05, 106
multiplication grid 106, 112–13
for division 131
equivalent fractions 45

compass directions 255
coordinates 253
negative coordinates 250, 251
negative numbers 18–9
temperature 186
nets 228–29
Newtons (N) 183
nonagon 219
non-polygons 212
non-unit fractions 40–1
comparison of 50
multiplication of 55
notes (money) 199
nth term 306
number bonds 82
number grid 81
number lines 18
for addition 80, 88
for dividing 130
for subtraction 88, 89, 92
for multiples 30, 31, 102–03
for partitioning 110

number lines (continued)
positive and negative
numbers 18, 19
for rounding up and
rounding down 26
temperature 186, 187
number symbols 10–11
numbers 11–23
comparing 20–21
cube roots of 38–9
cubes of 39
decimal 56–63
estimating 24–5
factors of 28–9, 34–5
fractions of 40–55, 74–5
mixed 42–3
multiples of 30–1
negative 18–9
ordering 22–3
patterns of 14–5
percentages of 62–7
place value 12–3
positive 18–9
prime 32–3, 34, 35
prime factors of 34–5
proportion 70–1
ratio 68–9
rounding 25, 26–7
scaling 72–3
sequences of 14–7
shapes of 16–7
simplifying 25
square 36–7, 38
square roots of 38–9
symbols for 10–11
numerals 10
numerator 41, 149
comparing fractions 48
equivalent fractions 44, 45
finding fractions 47
simplifying fractions 46
unit fractions 49

oblique lines 206
obtuse angles 233
in triangles 241
octagon 219
angles inside an 246
octahedron 225
one-dimensional lines 204
place value 12, 13
Roman numerals for 10
open array 111, 112
opposite angles 236–37
order of operations 152–53
order of rotational symmetry
ordering decimals 60

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