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Prime factors

A factor of a whole number that is also a prime number is called a prime factor.
One of the special things about prime numbers is that any whole number is either
a prime number or can be found by multiplying two or more prime factors.

All whole numbers
can be broken down
into two or more
prime factors.

We start by seeing if we can divide 30 by 2,
the smallest prime number. We can divide 30
exactly by 2, and 2 is a prime number, so we can
say 2 is one of 30’s prime factors.

Now let’s look at 15, the factor pair of 2 in the
last step. It’s not a prime number, so we have
to break it down more. We can’t divide it exactly by
2, so let’s try another number.

We can divide 15 exactly by 3 and get 5. Both
3 and 5 are prime numbers, so they must also
be prime factors of 30.

Finding prime factors
Prime numbers are like the building blocks of numbers, because
every number that’s not a prime can be broken down into
prime factors. Let’s find the prime factors of 30.

So, we can say that 30 is the product of
multiplying together three prime factors –
2, 3, and 5.

30 ÷ 2 = 15 15 ÷ 2 =?

15 ÷ 3 = 5 30 = 2 x 3 x 5

Prime factors for internet security
When we send information over the internet, it’s turned
into code to keep it secure. These codes are based on
prime factors of very large numbers, which fraudsters
would find really difficult and time-consuming to find.


Prime factors have a
green circle round them

2 and 15 are factors of 30 2 is not a factor of 15

3 and 5 are factors of 15 2, 3, and 5 are prime factors of 30


034_035_Prime_Factors.indd 34 29/02/2016 14:54

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