
(vip2019) #1

Calculating percentages

We can find a percentage of any total amount, not just 100.
The total can be a number or a quantity, such as the area of
a shape. Sometimes we might also want to write one number
as a percentage of another number.

Answers on page 319

Working it out
Here are several shapes.
What percentage of each
shape has been shaded
a dark colour?

The whole amount of any shape
is 100%. To find the percentage
represented by one part, we divide
100 by the number of parts (10). This
gives us 10, so one tile equals 10%.

Take a look at this example.
There are 10 tiles altogether. What
percentage of the tiles have a pattern?

Finding a percentage
of a shape
On pages 64-65, we looked at
percentages using a square grid
divided into 100 parts. But what if
a shape has 10 parts or even 20?

100 ÷ 10 = 10

We multiply the result (10) by
the number of patterned tiles (6).
This gives us the answer 60. So, 60%
of the tiles have a pattern.

10 × 6 = 60

Each tile is
worth 10%

There are 10
equal parts

The total
number of tiles

60% have
a pattern


066-067_Percentage_as_a_number.indd 66 29/02/2016 14:10

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