Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


Designing on an Overall Grid

A grid is a formation of equal-sized
shapes, such as squares, rectangles,
triangles, diamonds, and so forth.
The total design area of the quilt
can be square or rectangular. My
preference and experience at this
time is to work on a grid formation
of squares.

Square formation

Vertical rectangular formation

Horizontal rectangular formation

My initial experience designing on
a grid was in the early 1990s. It was
a quilt titled Always that I designed
for my husband for Valentine’s Day.
I assigned a grid value of 1 ̋ for the
background and doubled that (2 ̋)
for the hearts—simple and effective.

Always, 32 ̋ × 34 ̋, designed, pieced, and quilted by the author.

Always drawing

Since that time, I have drawn numerous quilts designed on an overall grid.
Some have become quilts, and some have not. A few of those drawings
follow, with a photograph where applicable. Borders are not included on the
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