Drafting for the Creative Quilter

(Marcin) #1


Redesigning a Feathered Star Block

The Feathered Star, a much loved and admired block
for quiltmakers, is another block in the 8-pointed star
drafting category, because the distance between its
points are equal. I designed the center block of my quilt
Asian Influence simply by fracturing some of the base
shapes of a 15 ̋ Radiant Feathered Star block (page 65),
the simplest and most basic of the Feathered Stars.

Side-by-side: Radiant Feathered Star block and detail of
Asian Influence

I began redesigning the Radiant Feathered Star on a 6 ̋
line drawing of a Radiant Feathered Star block.

Line drawing of Radiant Feathered Star block (The dashed line
indicates 1/8 of the design and mirror placement.)

  1. I knew I would put something in the center octagon,
    but I was undecided at first, so I moved outward to the
    feathers. I decided to fracture one side of the half-square
    triangle feather unit. I simply broke the triangle into 4
    triangles by connecting the midpoint of the 3 sides of
    the triangle. This created a small square, which I divided
    in half diagonally (shaded).

  2. There are many ways to divide the kite shape. I
    decided to first create a diamond inside. To do that,
    I needed to find and mark the midpoint of the 2 long

sides of the kite. I drew 2 lines at a 45° angle from the
bottom point of the kite to the marks on the long sides
of the kite. To fracture the new diamond into 4 smaller
ones, I found the midpoint of each side of the diamond
and connected those points to create 4 smaller ones
(red). This process also created 2 triangles, one on each
side of the diamond (blue).

  1. Once I drew in 1/8 of the fractured feathers and the
    kite, I placed my mirrors so I could see the whole block.
    It became apparent that it would be easy to overdo this
    process and create chaos, because the fractured feathers
    create a lot of energy and demand a lot of attention. I
    tried fracturing the diamond at the tip of the kite shape
    but ended up leaving it as is. When I placed the mirrors
    around the design, I saw that it was getting a little busy
    and chaotic. You can fracture any and all shapes, but the
    idea is to create a beautiful design. The mirrors help me
    see the whole design and make informed decisions.

  2. I then placed a point in the 4 triangles and divided
    the corner square in half diagonally to create 4 addi-
    tional points. To create the point (green), I measured up
    1 ̋ from the 90° corner on both sides of the short sides
    of the triangles and connected them to the midpoint of
    the long side of the triangles to create another layer of
    star points.

  3. Next was the center octagon. I first decided that I
    wanted my Feathered Star block to be 15 ̋. I needed to
    figure out the size of the octagon. To do that, I used
    Feathered Star Drafting Method 2 (see page 67). The
    size of the center octagon for a 15 ̋ Feathered Star is
    41/4 ̋. I decided to place a Wheel of Fortune block in the
    octagon with a LeMoyne Star in its center (page 64).
    I sketched the shapes I needed inside the octagon and
    used the mirrors to see the results.

Steps 1–5: 1/8 of the redesigned Radiant Feathered Star block
in Asian Influence (The dashed line indicates mirror place-
ment for seeing the complete block.)
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