Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

in the front, so nothing is overshadowed. I found some beautifully colored and

naturally textured flagstones, and divided up the herbs with these natural stone

barriers. They provide a sure-footed walkway on rainy days.
The whole herb garden is close to the  kitchen door and well lit, in case I

need a last-minute picking on a pitch-dark night!

As to their use?
Fresh-snipped herbs go brilliantly in both salads and soups, and as a garnish

to almost everything. Herbs are not unlike perfumes in their appeal—some you’ll

love, others not so much. Only through use will you get the needed confi dence
to use them abundantly and well!

One very important use is to see them as a partial replacement for salt, with

or without citrus and berry fruits and their juices. All of us can do better by re­

ducing salt (sodium) content, and the best solution that I know of is to use herbs,

citrus, and spices to add aroma, texture, and taste to foods that normally seem to

attract liberal salting.
I have also sown edible flowers among my herbs to add both color and taste

to dishes. I grow these in the main fenced garden, again for colorful splashes,

because I like to break up the sense of order that comes with carefully planted

rows of vegetables as well as attract bees and butterfl ies.

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