Growing at the Speed of Life - A Year in the Life of My First Kitchen Garden

(Michael S) #1

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regular soil testing (or your own tester) and a well-thought-out plan of rotation
that you record year after year, bed by bed.
Insects can fly into your space, and when they are evident, you can protect
with floating row covers set over wire hoops that permit light and air to continue
to reach the plants but fend off your fl ying friends.
Tiny whiteflies and especially aphids can be attracted to orange-colored
sticky boards, sold commercially or made yourself. Some are even biodegradable,
complete with their load of bugs!
You can also import your own good insects and let them loose, to savage the
lesser plant-eating varieties. Ladybugs are a great example; they love aphids and
mites. Praying mantis are purchased in egg boxes; when they hatch, they’ll eat
anything in sight (within reason). Unfortunately, they are also partial to lady-
bugs! (See References and Resources.)
You may also want to follow up and conduct an Internet search for phero­
mones, which are an insect aphrodisiac that attracts oversexed leaf eaters into
traps baited with insecticide.
All of these ancient and modern ways will help you win the natural wars you
will encounter. But remember: the best thing you can do if it looks really sick is
to pull it up, put it in a resealable plastic bag, and take it to your nearest local
county extension service agent.

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