014 Cycle Touring Egypt e-book

(Leana) #1

(^26) The next few days were spent visiting Cairo’s well-known sights, of which there
were plenty. Our exploring brought us to the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Stepped
Pyramid south of Cairo, as well as the well-known Bent and Red Pyramids.

As, in my mind, no one could leave Cairo without visiting the Cairo Museum, I
dragged a very reluctant Ernest to the museum. The museum was mind-boggling,
and it was best to hire a guide. One could only stare in amazement at the items on
display, from the famous Rosetta Stone to the items recovered from
Tutankhamun’s tomb. It’s pretty amazing what was deemed necessary in the

Then, back to our favourite drinking hole where beer was cheap and accompanied
by a plate of hot ful and salad.

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