
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

situations, the others in our family will be standing close
enough to watch it all happen in real time, to see the kinds of
change and impact our prayers are able to accomplish.

Again, if you’re a single woman, don’t think this chapter
doesn’t apply to you. If you’re wise, you’ll discern that it most
certainly does. Praying for your mate shouldn’t begin when
you’ve walked down the aisle. It should start now, before
you’ve been on the first date or even know his first name. Pray
for the man God may be positioning as your future husband.
Pray that he’ll be set ablaze with love for Christ and a heart for
leading you well and making your marriage a devoted priority.
Pray that God would guard his friendships and those who will
influence the path he is taking even right now. Pray that his
passions would be attuned with an authentic faith, that his
purity would be a matter of deep commitment, and that God
would superintend the circumstances that bring the two of you
together... all in His perfect plan and His perfect timing.

If you don’t have children of your own, pray for the little
ones (nieces, nephews, neighbors) who are in your life and
whom God brings specifically to your attention. And yes,
begin praying now for the child or children He may entrust to
you at a later time, through whatever means He leads you to

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