
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

But that’s exactly what the enemy does. He absolutely
loves living in the past.

In your past. In my past.

And why not? Some of his best opportunities to sabotage
our potential comes from there.

He carefully archives footage from our history so he can
pull from those files and remind us what our days of defeat, sin,
and failure looked like. You’ve seen them, same as I have, a
million times. If your life is anything like mine, I’d imagine he’s
turned every room in the house into a screening room at one
time or another, popping one of his old favorites into the player
—for his amusement, for our humiliating shame and

It’s a painful thing to watch. Even in reruns. Especially in
reruns... because every time he cues it up again, it’s with the
fresh intent of mocking and maligning us, making us feel as
unforgiven and unforgiveable as possible, and then even
pointing the finger at all the other people who are more to
blame, more at fault, than we should ever consider ourselves to
be. If he can’t make us feel judged, he’ll try turning us into

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