
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1
Master’s degree. Business owner. College teacher.

Even a woman like her can get scared.

And now, in the car on the way back from a weekend with
friends, tears rolled down her cheeks as she chronicled her
internal struggle: What if I can’t do it? What if I make all these
arrangements, release my client list, sit down in front of that
computer, and nothing comes out? Nothing makes sense?
Worse yet, what if I do get some stuff written, start to feel
pretty good about it, but nobody likes it? Or what if they’re too
nice to say they don’t like it, but I can tell from what they do
say (and don’t say) that I’ve failed miserably? What if no
avenues crop up where I can get my work published or
distributed? Even if I can, what if people don’t find it helpful or
useful or any different from anything else they’ve read? What
if the financial adjustment we’ll need to make in order for me to
do it means my kids will have to give up some of the activities
they love? What if it all ends up being a total waste of time and
energy? What if it’s all just some sort of ego trip or head game,
something I’m projecting onto myself?

“I’m not ready, y’all—I’m SCARED!”
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