
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

know the kind of paralysis that can harden around you when
you’re scared to death about going through with something
you’ve committed to do, and you just don’t think you’ve got
what it takes to do it. I’ve known those times—like you
perhaps—when all we feel like doing is pulling the drapes,
climbing back under the covers, and wishing the next few
hours (or days? or weeks?) would please just go away.

But whether you need a gentle hand today reaching out to
hold yours, or if (like my sweet friend Shawna) you could use a
little tough love right now to shake yourself awake from the
stupor of all those excuses, the prescription is still the same...

Do. Not. Be. Afraid.

This issue of fear is so well-known and important to God
that more than three hundred times in Scripture He tells His
people—in one form or another—not to be afraid. “Fear not.”
“Be ye not afraid.” “Do not fear.” Look it up. It’s everywhere.
You know those times when you’re searching high and low for
just one verse to tell you what God wants you to do? Well,
here’s three hundred of them. And they’re all saying the same
thing: “Don’t be afraid.”

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