
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Turning Bitterness to Forgiveness

If I were your enemy, I’d use every opportunity to bring old
wounds to mind, as well as the people, events, and
circumstances that caused them. I’d try to ensure that your
heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled
through unforgiveness.

Hollow and dull. That’s how my prayers felt. Like they were
ricocheting off the walls of a deep, empty cave. And I wasn’t
sure why. I just knew I was growing really tired of it. Because
once you’ve tasted the bold, intense flavors of fervent prayer,
the blandness of living with anything less than pure freedom
and intimacy with God is almost more than you can stand. You
miss it. You crave it. Especially, like I said, when you’ve
wracked your brain and can’t figure out why it’s suddenly,
mysteriously gone.

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